Sunday, August 25, 2019

4) Discuss the differences in Religious Jurisprudence between of Essay

4) Discuss the differences in Religious Jurisprudence between of Sunnites and Shiites - Essay Example This has caused sometimes fights among the vast population of Muslims in the Islamic countries. As per the records available, Prophet Muhammad died in the year 632 A.D. His death left a gap for the political leadership of the Muslim community, with regard to succession of the prophet. The debate over the selection of the successor left mainly two choices with the Muslim masses. While one choice was to find a pious person who would follow the percepts of Islam and principals laid out by the prophet, other view point was to find the successor from the bloodline of the prophet itself. The first Caliph named as Abu Bakr, who was a close associate of the prophet was announced after this debate. However, some of the Muslims did not support this decision, although majority was in its favor. Prophet Muhammad had a daughter named Fatima whose husband, Ali ibn Abi Talib was very active during the lifetime of the prophet. However, he did not have the required seniority to replace the prophet after his death. In any case, a certain sect of the Muslims opined that this son-in-law of the prophet should succeed him. Even among the followers of Ali, some voices supported the name of Abu Bakr as successor. Thereafter, two Caliphs, Umar and Uthman, who were seen as legitimate successive Caliphs by the majority of the Muslims, succeeded Abu Bakr. However, the separatist voices supporting Ali had not died down completely and some of the Ali’s supporters killed the third Caliph, Uthman in the year 652 A.D.. This resulted in the announcement of Ali as the new Caliph......(1) As the rivalry had already taken roots within the Muslim civilization, Ali was also killed in the year 661 A.D. He had two sons Hassan and Hussein who also died some years later in the battle against Sunnis. This became the cause of the division of the Islamic religion in two sects. The percentage supporting Ali as the Caliph was called Shias and the other majority supporting the earlier Caliphs were

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