Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Core Values Of Food Movements - 2156 Words
So this is what I have thus far. It’s kind of a bunch of random paragraphs of the topics, not integrated because I wasn’t sure how it would be once everyone got their parts in. Once everyone has filled in their parts I figured we could go from there as far as smoothing out flow. I also haven’t put in anything from the Cultural Modeling in Two Eras of US Food Protest yet but it’s coming! Food movements begin when the decision is made to be considered a citizen instead of solely a consumer. The core values of food movements include: 1. We have rights that need to be fought for, not just assumed 2. Human and environmental health go hand in hand 3. There is no such thing as an average consumer 4. What matters is not just â€Å"what†is eaten,†¦show more content†¦The first is rights discourse, where advocates use international agreements and apply them to a variety of political scales on a smaller level. These activists focus on the individual who should have the right to feed themselves as an essential part of social rights. This type focuses on accountability and responsibility of governments to protect its citizens against hunger. The second type focuses on structural barriers such as food banks and â€Å"anti-poverty†institutions. These believe that food security goes beyond guaranteeing access to food and hunger is an issue of poverty. This type argues that if one has a strong social safety net and adequate income, marginalized people can make choices around foods they purchase. The downside to this type of movement is it ignores the connection of food to the environment and the role globalization plays in production, distribution, and consumpt ion of food. The final type is â€Å"Community Food Security†which combines the first two types and works to develop a broader perspective of sustainability and community building. CFS pushes for building local capacities for food production and marketing, equity, social justice, and ecological sustainability. This type of movement is focusing on long term development. CFS focuses less on governmental policy and more on social capacities that provide potential improvement for those in need. Behind all three types is the belief that people should develop the knowledge and
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
GAAP vs. IFRS comparison - 1264 Words
GAAP/IFRS Financial Statement Comparison Through this course we have been taking a closer look into the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The book lays out the major similarities and differences between the two separate but equal accounting methods. I say, â€Å"Equal†, in the sense that the IFRS and GAAP accounting methods are two different ways that the any company that could come to the conclude the financial statements for any such accounting period. The differences that have apparent between the two methods, GAAP is only used in companies that have been started in the United States, whereas internationally IFRS has been adopted by those prospected companies.†¦show more content†¦As well as, the key assumptions and estimation of the material value adjustments to the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities. It can be easily seen that the accounts for both Exxon and BP companies have many similarities. The accounts for b oth GAAP and IFRS have a tendency to be similar, making it easy for the reader to compare the information that is laid out in the financial statements. Other differences that we will see between the two different policies, when reviewing the balance sheet, are the way in which the assets are listed are in the reverse manor on the balance sheet. When following IRFS, the accounts are listed in the terms of liquidity at the bottom of assets. Under IFRS, the information is presented with the most liquid account listed at the end of the assets division. This dissimilarity will not make a massive impact on what investor’s information on the company that they are reviewing. The other differences that we will see when dealing with the differences, the terminology is different under IFRS. The balance sheet is no longer stated as the â€Å"Balance Sheet†; it is now referred to as the â€Å"Group Balance Sheet†. This is not a major difference between BP and Exxon, fo r example in other companies that follow IFRS, the balance sheet s called the â€Å"Statement of Financial Position†. This difference could make it increasingly difficultShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Ifrs And International Financial Reporting Standards Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesIn this research project, we will be comparing the similarities and differences between IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), specifically in the cash flow statement, and we will be using Apple vs Samsung’s financial statement and stock price to compare the similarities and differences between IFRS and GAAP. 2. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Essay Questions On An Inspector Calls Example For Students
Essay Questions On An Inspector Calls Choose two scenes from An Inspector Calls and explore their dramatic effectiveness, showing an awareness of the historical context and the impact of that on these and on the play as a whole In the play An Inspector Calls, the playwright, J.B. Priestley describes, and refers to actual historical events and life in the Edwardian era. Throughout this essay, I will be focussing on two separate scenes from the play, and analysing certain revealing lines. The first scene is the celebration scene at he start of the play, including Birlings speech of congratulations, which turns out to be more about his outlook on life, and the future. The second scene is the Inspectors interrogation of Mrs Birling. I chose these two scenes because they deal largely with important, fact of life issues for the era. The playwright, J.B. Priestley was born in 1894 in Bradford to middle class parents. Later in 1901, Queen Victoria died and the Edwardian era began. Life in this era was hard, cities being laden with paupers and continuous strikes at places of employment, particularly at mine-pits where tragedies were frequent. This is probably why Priestley became a socialist. An Inspector Calls is set in 1912. It was a week before the Titanic sank, and within two years of World War 1s beginning; a time of endless nightmares, in which one would not like to live. The upper middle class citizens would have no problem with the way the live, their money catering for their every need, but the people of the lower classes would be severely affected by the ongoing troubles. Priestley wrote this play in 1945, so all the happenings would have already occurred when this play was being written and completed. The first scene starting in Act One features a joyous and memorable occasion. It is the engagement dinner of Sheila Birling to Gerald Croft. We learn, via stage directions (which Priestley uses frequently) that there are four Birlings (Arthur, Sybil; the parents, and Sheila and Eric; their children) at the table along with Gerald Croft. All are in formal clothing and drinking port, appropriate for the Edwardian times. Mr Birling is described as a portentous man in his middle fifties with easy manners. He is heavy looking and provincial in his speech. He, as we find out, is not afraid to speak his mind, which is weighed-down with assumptions of the world and others around him. He is a businessman at heart, and feels he is important. He clears his throat (on page three) to draw attention to himself despite there being only four other people present. This shows he feels his superiority as paramount. Later, he remarks, Its a pity Sir George and Lady Croft cant be with us it cant be helped! This tells us he considers himself and his Birling family name worthy of attention, and that he is practically a snob. We can see when reading the text that Birlings character dominates the page. The occasion is meant to be that of enjoyment, and yet Birling takes up half a page discussing the future possibility of a business merging of Crofts Limited, and his own business. He wants this to happen for lower costs and higher prices. This tells us of his political view, as a capitalist. This is a person who is extremely interested in creating profit out of a business for the smallest fees possible. This therefore shows us the contrast between his and Priestleys political view, as a socialist. This is a person who (with the support of a group) aims for the decrease or elimination of the differences caused by economic power, by means of a political power. .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .postImageUrl , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:visited , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:active { border:0!important; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:active , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Continue to remind society EssayJust as Mrs Birling goes to retreat into the drawing room with Sheila (customary in those times), Mr Birling abruptly announces rather heavily: I just want to say this Are you listening? This concerns you, I dont often make speeches at you This is, in effect, attention seeking. It also gives us the assumption of male superiority, which was typical of the time. Birlings next speech is probably the most flawed of them all, and reveals Priestleys effective use of dramatic irony. Such revealing lines are: Last month the miners were on strike. Weve passed the worst of it, and Were in for a time of increasing prosperity. The way in which Birling says both lines, he sounds very sure of himself, as if he genuinely believes what he is preaching, but in reality he demonstrates naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½vetà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. The 1945 audience would see the because they knew of the upcoming troubling times, of many more strikes and much more poverty. He also says Fiddlesticks! to a possibility of war. Nobody wants war. he continues. In short, how wrong he was! There was not one, but two world wars since his speech (one in 1914, and the other in 1939).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs
Hitachi is a leading global electronic company commonly known as Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi GST). It specializes in the manufacture of hard disc drives, external storage solutions as well as solid state drives. These components are commonly used to handle wide array of data. For instance, data can be generated, stored, processed, retrieved and also disseminated using these components.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, this company also offers myriad of products, systems and services which are used in data management. Some of these products include electronic devices, information systems, power and industrial systems, financial and logistics services as well as consumer products. Hitachi Company has a wide range of internal and external hard disc drives which offer a satisfactory storage capacity to meet the de mand of tech savvy modern users. The drives therefore let one backup and synchronize important data. These drives are known to be reliable and fast enough in terms of speed thus meeting the needs of the consumers. Hitachi has a variety of hard drives and each variety has unique characteristics. Deskstar T7K500 which is a 3.5 inch hard disk drive has a formatted capacity of 250 to 500 GB and works at a speed of 7200 RPM. The disc drive works under a temperature of between 0-60 degrees centigrade and a humidity of 8-90%. The drive is made of sub-drives that are advantageous in that they require minimal running and spinning power and less cooling of the drive. It is also capable of spinning down drives that are not being used at a certain time. In terms of memory, the disc drives possess large Processing memory. Hitachi disk driveAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to this, the drive possesses data integrity in that in case of power loss, Customers’ data is not lost. It has no preventitive maintenance and can withstand 50,000 Start and stop cycles. Moreover, it has a data recovery system. All these Functional characteristics make the device highly reliable.1 Another organization where the same innovative principle is evidenced is ‘Cake Crumbs’ in Denver. This is a three years old baking company with a notable expansion over the past few years. Apart from cakes, they also make salads and sandwiches. As a result, their supply market has widened with time. They are dedicated to making their customers happy through their services that even involve making deliveries to customers’ residences. In addition to this, they make sure they share news about their products together with any happenings around. They are keen to customers’ suggestions and feedback.2  The shop has made use of a variety of ingredients sourced fr om the locality and this has consequently resulted to expansion of its menus to meet demand. Cake baking and decorations scientifically and visionary art forms are employed. The success of ‘Cake Crumbs’ can also be attributed to its creative, experienced, focused and professional employees. In summing up, it is imperative to mention that the invention of the Hitachi disc drives has contributed a lot to the growth of information technology. Its reliability, environmental adaptations, storage and memory capacity among other features increases its suitability across the board. As far as Cake Crumb is concerned, it is definitely an aspect to reckon with. Many businesses can borrow from it. Finally, the following measures are highly recommended: 3 Introduction and distribution of the drives in various geographical locations. Sensitization of both active and prospect consumers through strategic marketing. Marketing of Cake Crumb products to other areas of Colorado and neig hboring countries. The cakes can also be delivered to consumers within their localities in order to reduce physical distance. In addition, sustainable raw materials (ingredients) can be purchased from affordable or less expensive sources. It is important to utilize a lot of media attention techniques for marketing and sustainability. Mostly, the extensive use of social media by the Cake Crumb Company is positive and a good step for extensive marketing. Use of Hitachi disc drives that are relatively smaller in size. Conclusion The companies analyzed have several aspects in common. Most of the similarities relate to techniques of enhancing relevance and sustainability in the market. The following are some of comparisons that can be drawn from the two companies:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Both companies embrace creativity and innovativ eness as key to remaining relevant in the market. Hitachi Company has drives that are customized and can meet the demands from tech savvy customers. Cake Crumb Company utilizes the social media as a way of capturing both existing and prospective customers. This is creative because it places the company relevant for long. According to Chasser and Wolfe, companies must use available media attention techniques and unique characteristics to maintain their relevance. 4 The two companies have effective customer services. Cake Crumb company has a program that taps suggestions and feedbacks from the customers. The company then tries as much as possible to offer its customers some of their preferences as a form of retaining them. Hitachi Company has myriad of services, systems and products that are at disposals. This kind of variety ensures that customers can easily obtain what they actually need at any given time. The company also customizes some of its products to fit the taste and prefere nces of consumers. It is crucial to mention that good customer service is necessary in any business operation bearing in mind that no single business organization can remain relevant in the market without the positive input of consumers. The two companies are well endowed with strategic business marketing as well as business connecting. The latter is a fundamental form of marketing any kind of company. Most importantly, the direction taken is mainly customer based. It seeks to analyze the needs, tastes and preferences of consumers and streamlining production accordingly.5 The use of social media and widening of the market by Cake Crumb is one way of moving closer to the targeted consumers who are supposed to understand the products being offered in the market and possibly make necessary choices. Hitachi, on the other hand, is keenly focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility especially in management of the environment. Both companies have variety of products for their customers. Th e element of variety in both product and service portfolio has been utilized by both companies as a marketing strategy of not only maintaining their customers but also attracting new ones.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bibliography Chaser, Anne Wolfe, Jennifer. Brand rewired: Connecting Branding, creativity, and intellectual property strategy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2010. Estes, Jonathan. Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, 2009. Jose, San. â€Å"Hitachi Inspire the Next†. Hitachi. Web. Lichtenthal, David. Fundamentals of business marketing education: A guide for university-level faculty and policymakers. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc, 2004. Team Cake-Crumbs. Pie, â€Å"Beautiful Pie†. Cake Crumbs. Web. Footnotes 1 San Jose, â€Å"Hitachi Inspire the Next†. Hitachi. 2 Team Cake-Crumbs. Pie, â€Å"Beautiful Pie†. Cake Crumbs. 3 Jonathan Estes. Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, 2009,pp. 140-141. 4 Anne Chaser Wolfe, Jennifer. Brand rewired: Connecting Branding, creativity, and intellectual p roperty strategy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2010.p. 62. 5David Lichtenthal. Fundamentals of business marketing education: A guide for university-level faculty and policymakers. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc, 2004. p.28. This essay on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs was written and submitted by user Tate Stevens to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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