Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Simulation and systems modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Simulation and systems modelling - Essay Example It provides an overview of DES, DES adoption challenges, and DES application main areas in manufacturing. The report also represents three selected famous systems appeals for small, medium, and large companies. Finally, the report gives a conclusion and future directions for simulations. First of all, to define simulation, The Oxford English Dictionary describes Simulation as: "The technique of imitating the behaviour of some situation or system (Economic, Mechanical etc.) by means of an analogous model, situation, or apparatus, either to gain information more conveniently or to train personnel." Also, computer simulation methods have developed since the early 1960s. (Holst, 2001) Holst defines discrete event simulation (DES) as "The modeling over time of a system all of whose state changes occur at discrete points in time those points when an event occurs". In discrete event simulation, the operation of a system is represented as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of state in the system (Banks et al, 2005) The need for simulation applications in management is increasing. First of all, Simulation is considered to be a powerful decision making tool for managers. Xianglong et al (2001) provided simulation system that can provide the decision-maker a sequential decision-making environment by establishing a virtual reality simulation system. Also, it could be used for experiments planning and results analysis. Semini et al (2006) listed several reasons why a simulation can support manufacturing logistics decision-making: It facilitates understanding of the real system and its behavior. It reveals previously hidden relationships and provides a systematic way to analyze the situation Can facilitate communication and provide a basis for discussions. "What-if" analyses can be carried out, allowing the decision-maker to test the affects of different alternative scenarios without having to make changes in the real system. Also, Simulation applications are used for risk and disaster management for businesses, organizations, or even countries. It could construct useful visualizations of risk, as provided by triangular decompositions and trade risk profiles, and calculating relevant risk measures. For example, it can provide additional
Monday, October 28, 2019
Role of Media on African Americans Essay Example for Free
Role of Media on African Americans Essay Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Educational Philosophy As a child, it is hard to understand adults’ intentions. Whether it is punishing a young child for running out in the street or even directing them not to leave toys on the staircase, adults have a profound authority over children, which is sometimes misunderstood. Adults instill vital qualities in children. Though children may disregard adults’ authority at first, at one point in their lives, they will understand the reasoning behind it all. At the age of 5, I began to realize that the adults in my environment were reflecting the virtue of patience upon me. My parents were teachers. My father taught High School Electronics. My mother had a class of preschoolers. Both had to maintain a calm manner while dealing with their students, and it was necessary for them to have a great deal of patience. As my mother drove me to Kindergarten one morning, I looked out the car window. I noticed my teacher surrounded with children on the playground. She was not pointing her finger and directing them to go play, but instead, she was laughing with them. At the age of 5, I was realizing that patience was a quality that teachers must have. As I grew older, I noticed this virtue of patience more often. No matter how difficult the class full of students became, the teachers took charge with grace. As many children do, I looked up to my parents as well as teachers. These adults were here to guide me through life. I admired them for their patience and determination to help me succeed. They held the key to my future, and offered it with an open hand. Watching my parents work on lesson plans, and hearing them speak of memorable classroom moments, intrigued me. They enjoyed their job so much, that it was beginning to rub off on me! I, too, was starting to love the life of a teacher. I wanted to, one day, come home and know that I had made a difference in someone's life. I wanted to organize exciting activities to help others learn. I wanted to stay up at the wee hours of the night grading papers. Believe it or not, I wanted to be a teacher! I knew that I would have to work hard, and stay focused in school.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fetal Abnormality Essay
In the case by Jessica, Marco, Maria and Dr.William I believe that the theory they have used for this case study is the Moral Christian theory which says that it is god almighty who gave origin to us and knitted us in our mother’s womb from where all our lives have a meaning. Therefore in my opinion I feel that Jessica’s and Maria’s decision is wright about knitting the baby and go for the plan of god as god always have an intention in his every which shows a close resemblance to the moral standpoint of Christianity. The children with disability can also survive in this world. Jessica in this case as a strong believer of God going for gods will representing the act of a true Christian follower. I believe that everything in this world takes place according to gods plan and if a couple is meant to have a child with deformity, through this god is trying to teach something to the family or to improve the love and affection between the family members. After going thro ugh this case study on â€Å"Fetal abnormality†I feels it’s very apparent that Jessica and Maria taking decisions according to the Christian standpoint. Their aunt who decided to leave is going for gods will and ready to accept whatever that god has intended for their family. The moral Christian theory talks about the life of a true Christian by obeying the bible and following the commandments of god. The bible says a lot of good things about the humanism and the positive qualities have human beings should possess in order to get close to god. ‘’For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb†I shall praise you for my entire life because you are the God of this entire universe wonderfully made, all your works in this entire universe is beautiful and for a reason, knowing the full well. There was nothing about me which was hidden from you when I was framed in the secret place, you woven me together in the depths of earth. You have seen my unformed body and all my days on this earth are written in your book even before I was sent to this earth (Psalms 139:13-16). Those who are intended to go for the materialistic life on this earth, In this case study if they would have gone for abortion which is a materialistic or selfish way of thinking is against the word of god. Jessica’s and Maria’s decision for keeping the baby as the intention of god is derived from their strong belief in the god. A fetus formed in a mother’s womb despite of its abnormalities is still a human being and doing abortion is a sin. Here dr.Wilson and Marco is having a materialistic mortal viewpoint as they wants to do the abortion of the baby, everything that humans possess in this world are just physical in this world. References Christianity,.(2007).,Christian Moral Theory., Worldviews and Moral Visions retrieved from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Driving is Your Responsibility: Modules on Driving
Also, that a 16 year old risk of getting in car accident is higher then any other age group. If you do not have your permit, please provide the last four digits of your social security number so that your teacher can issue your drug and alcohol certificate. My last four digits are: Module 2: The Driver: Describe three aha moments that you had as you worked through Module Two. 1 . That we have two different type of vision central and peripheral. 2. â€Å"Aim high and look ahead, don't look down†This is important because we can spot curves from far 3.When I found out you must have a optimistic attitude to drive but not too pessimistic cause if you're to optimistic you can be a bad driver. How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences) This information will affect me as a driver because if I follow these rules I can be a good driver. If I don't follow these rules I can cause serious accident that may result in my death or someone else dea th. Module 3: Natural Forces Affecting the Driver 2. Inertia- When a object is at rest it will remain at rest.While an object in motion will remain in motion in the same direction unless a force touch it. 3. Potential Energy- Its energy an object already has in it self. 4. Kinetic Energy- The energy made while an object is in motion. 5. Friction-Its the restraint between the movement of two surface in contact. 6. Traction- Traction is always affected by friction someway somehow. 7. Centrifugal Force- The opposite of centripetal force. It doesn't seek to be in the middle. It also increase a person acceleration. 8. Centripetal Force-Its a force that seeks to be in the middle. 10. Force of impact- Is the force made when objects meet.Module 4: Signs, Signals & Pavement Markings 1. Explain the purpose of the following A. The difference between solid and broken lines is: In a solid line you can not pass over it while on a broken line you may pass over it. B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: The yellow line indicates where the center of a two way traffic is at. You may cross over a broken yellow line but you can't cross a solid yellow line. C. White lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow:White lines tells you which way traffic is traveling in your direction. 2.Observe and describe the different signs in YOUR city. Give specific examples of each (include color, shape, what the sign is for, etc. ). A. A regulatory sign: A speed limit of 35. Its a white rectangular shape sign. B. A motorist services sign: A hospital sign. It's a blue square sign with a capital H in the middle. C. A recreational sign: A recreational sign is brown and rectangular. A sign indicating to the Florida everglades. D. A sign that you know what it means because of its shape: A triangle sign is telling you to yield. 3. Explain 3 interesting or important facts from Module 3 and 4.A. An interesting wing I learn is that driving and physics are int erconnected. 8. 1 realize that the shapes and colors off sign tells you a lot about its meaning. C. An important fact I learn is that you can always drive over a broken but never a solid line unless there is hazard in the way. Module 5: Laws and Rules of the Road Create a car saying (Bumper Sticker) or a Road Sign (Billboard) that would describe one main point you learned in Module 5. This is an example off bumper sticker from a former student: the right speed is always a good deed. Enjoy your ride and don't collide! 1 . What would yours say? Don't be afraid to cease. Drive with ease. 2. How would it look? It would be on a neon green rectangular sticker with the saying in big bold black letters. 3. Now, write at least one paragraph (5 sentences or more) which explains why you thought this would make a great bumper sticker or billboard, and how it summarizes the information you learned in Module Five. I thought this would make a great bumper sticker because it's a very catchy phrase. When somebody read it. It will stay in their mind because its simple and catchy.This phrase summarizes this doodle because when driving you must remember all the laws and regulations the state of Florida may have. A driver can't be afraid to slow down or stop while driving when it is necessary. Plus a good driver must drive with ease meaning he has to drive with confidence. Module 6: Effects of Alcohol and Drugs Some day you might find yourself in a dangerous driving situation because of drugs, alcohol, or extreme drowsiness due to medication. Talk to a parent or guardian about what they would like for you to do if you find yourself in this situation.Answer the following questions in one or more complete sentences. . Explain three ways you can get home safely, without getting behind the wheel, if there are drugs or alcohol in your system. A. Let a friend who is sober give you a ride home. B. Call a taxi to take you to your destination. C. Call your mom and/or dad to pick you up eve n if you may face consequences its better then driving home intoxicated. 2. Explain three ways you can get home safely if the friend you rode with has drugs or alcohol in his system and you prevent him from getting behind the wheel. A. Take away their car keys and drive them home. B.Call his/her parents to pick him/her up. C. Use public transportation. 3. What would your parent/guardian want you to do? My parents would rather me to contact them to pick me up from my destination. They rather pick me up intoxicated then get a phone call from the police saying I kill somebody or myself because I was drinking and driving. 4. Look up and list the number of a local taxi or car service in your community. Include the company name and telephone number. Module 7: Collision Costs and Preventions There are many costs associated with owning and driving a car. The purchase of a car is only the beginning.There are maintenance costs, fees, tolls, taxes, fuel and insurance. For the next few question s, you will explore these costs by talking to a parent or guardian about your driving responsibilities. 1. Will I have a vehicle of my own to drive, or will I share? My vehicle would be shared with my parents. 2. Who will pay for the insurance and gas? My parents would pay for my car insurance and gas until I get a Job. 3. Contact your family car insurance company to obtain a cost estimate. How much will you be expected to pay monthly or annually? My parents would be expected to pay 175. 3 a month. . If you drive 50 miles each week and your car gets 25 miles to the gallon with gas costing $4. 00 per gallon, how much gas will you have to buy? I would pay $8. 00 a week. 5. If you get paid $8. 00 per hour at your Job and insurance is $200 a month, how many hours will you have to work to pay for insurance? I would have to work 25 hours. 6. Will your parents set restrictions on your driving such as the hours of the day you can drive or how many passengers you can have in the car? If so, please include restrictions. My restrictions would be that I'm allowed to drive am to pm.Plus I'm to allowed to have friends in my car. 7. Will your parents allow you to drive to school, work, on major highways, how far from home can you drive? Please include where you will be allowed to drive. I would be able to drive to school and work when I do get Job. 8. Never text and drive! Discuss with your parents the use of your cell phone when driving. Explain to them the one situation when it would be appropriate to talk on your cell phone. Then write the situation you spoke with them about. It would be appropriate to talk to my parents when I am park. Never answer my phone when I'm riving.Module 8: Substance Abuse Choose one option to complete your 5-8 sentence paragraph in this section. Imagine a close friend is planning to go out and celebrate this weekend. You know your friend intends to drink and may experiment with drugs. You are not only concerned for her well-being but also worri ed that she might get behind the wheel and drive. Using the information you learned in module 8, write a paragraph persuading your friend to make safe choices. List at least 3 dangers she may face and 2 alternatives for her to safely and legally enjoy the celebration. Dear Friend,
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6 Tips for New, First-Year MBA Students
6 Tips for New, First-Year MBA Students Being a new student can be difficultno matter how old you are or how many years of school you already have under your belt. This can be especially true for first-year MBA students. They are thrown into a new environment that is known for being rigorous, challenging, and quite frequently competitive. Most are nervous about the prospect and spend a great deal of time struggling with the transition. If you are in the same spot, the following tips may help. Tour Your School One of the problems with being in a new environment is that you dont always know where youre going. This can make it hard to get to class on time and find the resources you need. Before your class sessions start, be sure to take a thorough tour of the school. Familiarize yourself with the location of all of your classes as well as the facilities you might usethe library, the admissions office, the career center, etc. Knowing where you are going will make the first few days a lot easier to get through. Establish a Schedule Making time for classes and coursework can be a challenge, especially if you are trying to balance a job and family with your education. The first few months can be particularly overwhelming. Establishing a schedule early on can help you stay on top of everything. Buy or download a daily planner and use it to track everything you need to do each day. Making lists and crossing things off as you complete them will keep you organized and help you with your time management. Learn to Work in a Group Many business schools require study groups or team projects. Even if your school does not require this, you may want to consider joining or starting your own study group. Working with other students in your class is a great way to network and get team experience. Although it is not a good idea to try to get other people to do your work for you, there is no harm in helping each other work through difficult material. Depending on others and knowing that others depend on you is also a good way to stay on track academically. Learn to Read Dry Text Quickly Reading is a huge part of business school coursework. In addition to a textbook, you will also have other required reading materials, such as case studies and lecture notes. Learning how to read a lot of dry text quickly will help you in each one of your classes. You shouldnt always speed read, but you should learn how to skim text and assess what is important and what is not. Network Networking is a big part of the business school experience. For new MBA students, finding time to network can be a challenge. However, it is very important that you incorporate networking into your schedule. The contacts you meet in business school can last a lifetime and may just help you get a job after graduation. Dont Worry It is easy advice to give and hard advice to follow. But the truth is that you shouldnt worry. Many of your fellow students share the same concerns. They are nervous too. And like you, they want to do well. The advantage in this is that you are not alone. The nervousness you feel is perfectly normal. The key is to not let it stand in the way of your success. Although you may be uncomfortable at first, your business school will eventually begin to feel like a second home. You will make friends, you will get to know your professors and what is expected of you, and you will keep up with the coursework if you give yourself enough time to complete it and ask for help when you need it. Get more tips on how to manage school stress.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Sociological Perspective - How to Think Like a Sociologist
The Sociological Perspective - How to Think Like a Sociologist Sociology can be defined simply as the study of society, but the practice of sociology is much more than a field of study it is a way of seeing the world. The sociological perspective involves recognizing and evaluating the effects of social relationships and social structures and forces, considering the present day in historical context and takes for granted that society is socially constructed and thus changeable. It is a perspective that fosters critical thinking, the posing of critical questions, and the pursuit of solutions. Understanding the sociological perspective is crucial to understanding the field itself, social theory, and why and how sociologists conduct the research they do. Examining Social Relationships When sociologists look at the world and try to understand why things are the way they are, they look for relationships, and not just those between people. They look for relationships between individuals and the social groups they might identify with or be identified with, like those of race, class, gender, sexuality, and nationality, among others; connections between individuals and the communities they live in or are affiliated with; and, relationships between individuals and institutions, like media, religion, family, and law enforcement. Within sociology, this is known as looking at the connections between the micro and the macro, or the individual aspects of social life, and the large-scale groups, relationships, and trends that compose society. Considering the Effects of Social Structures and Forces Sociologists look for relationships because they want to understand the causes of trends and problems in society so that they can make recommendations on how to address them. At the heart of sociology is the recognition that social structures and forces, like those described above and others too, shape a person’s worldview, beliefs, values, expectations, sense of what is normal, and right and wrong. In doing so, social structures and forces shape our experiences, how we interact with other people, and ultimately, the trajectories and outcomes of our lives. Most social structures and forces are not immediately visible to us, but we can find them when we look beneath the surface of everyday life. Introducing students to the field, Peter Berger wrote, â€Å"It can be said that the first wisdom of sociology is this- things are not what they seem.†The sociological perspective urges us to ask the unasked questions about the things we consider normal, natural, and inevitable, in order to illuminate the underlying social structures and forces that produce them. How to Ask Sociological Questions Sociologists seek complex answers to what many would consider simple questions. Berger suggested that there are four key questions at the heart of sociology that allow us to see the connections between everyday life and social structure and forces. They are: What are people doing with each other here?What are their relationships to each other?How are these relationships organized in institutions?What are the collective ideas that move men [sic] and institutions? Berger suggested that asking these questions transforms the familiar into something otherwise unseen, and leads to â€Å"a transformation of consciousness.†C. Wright Mills called this transformation of consciousness â€Å"the sociological imagination.† When we examine the world through this lens, we see how our current moment and personal biographies sit within the trajectory of history. Using the sociological imagination to examine our own lives, we might question how social structures, forces, and relationships have given us certain privileges, like access to wealth and prestigious schools; or, how social forces like racism might make us disadvantaged as compared with others. The Importance of Historical Context The sociological perspective always includes historical context in its view of society, because if we want to understand why things are the way they are, we have to understand how they got that way. So, sociologists often take the long view, by, for example, looking at the shifting nature of the class structure over time, how the relationship between the economy and culture has evolved over centuries, or, how limited access to rights and resources in the past continues to impact historically marginalized people today. The Empowering Nature of the Sociological Perspective Mills believed that the sociological imagination could empower people to make change in their lives and in society because it allows us to see that what we often perceive as â€Å"personal troubles,†like not making enough money to support ourselves or our families, are actually â€Å"public issues†- problems that course through society and are a product of flaws in the social structure, like inadequate minimum wage levels. The empowering nature of the sociological imagination points to another fundamentally important aspect of the sociological perspective: that society and all that happens within it is made by people. Society is a social product, and as such, its structures, its institutions, norms, ways of life, and problems are changeable. Just as social structures and forces act on us and shape our lives, we act on them with our choices and actions. Throughout our daily lives, in mundane and sometimes momentous ways, our behavior either validates and reproduces society as it is, or it challenges it and remakes it into something else. The sociological perspective allows us to see how both outcomes are possible.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
10 Types of Transitions
10 Types of Transitions 10 Types of Transitions 10 Types of Transitions By Mark Nichol Writing is simply a matter of expressing ideas, but as we all know, it’s not so simple after all. One challenge is to coherently connect those ideas. This post lists ten categories of words and phrases one can employ to signal a transition, with several examples for each type. These words and phrases can be used within a sentence as well as at the beginning. Note, too, that many can apply to more than one category. (These groupings are arbitrary, created for the sake of presentation; transitional terms can be organized in various ways.) 1. Addition â€Å"Also, I have to stop at the store on the way home.†â€Å"Besides, it would give me great satisfaction to help you.†â€Å"First, I’d like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.†2. Comparison â€Å"In the same way, the author foreshadows a conflict between two minor characters.†â€Å"Likewise, the sequel was very successful.†â€Å"Similarly, we observed no differences in response rate.†3. Concession â€Å"Granted, you did not ask ahead of time.†â€Å"Naturally, the final decision is up to her.†â€Å"Of course, he will want to examine the documents himself.†4. Contrast â€Å"At the same time, what she said has some truth to it.†â€Å"However, I don’t see what that has to do with anything.†â€Å"Otherwise, how can they expect us to comply?†5. Consequence â€Å"Accordingly, I have consulted with him for a second opinion.†â€Å"As a result, I’m not sure what to do.†â€Å"For this reason, we have decided to halt the project.†6. Emphasis â€Å"Above all, we must exercise discretion.†â€Å"Certainly, he’ll find out for himself in time.†â€Å"In fact, they’re on their way right now.†7. Example â€Å"For example, he could have asked for advice first.†â€Å"In particular, I draw your attention to the stain on the carpet.†â€Å"Namely, consider the consequences of your decision.†8. Sequence â€Å"Earlier, you had mentioned a report.†â€Å"Eventually, we’ll see some improvement.†â€Å"Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting for you.†9. Space â€Å"Below, you’ll find instructions for assembling the shelf.†â€Å"In the distance, he could see the approaching figure.†Off to one side, a package wrapped in plain paper caught her attention. 10. Summary â€Å"In conclusion, I see no reason to delay any longer.†â€Å"In other words, they’re incompetent.†â€Å"Therefore, your decision leaves me no choice.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive InterjectionsThe Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetQuiet or Quite?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis during 1993-4 Essay
The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis during 1993-4 - Essay Example gh it seems difficult to oppose that view, the â€Å"crisis†was resolved in 1994 when North Korea obeyed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The situation had been considered as a nuclear crisis when the North Korea withdrew from the NPR on March 12, 1993. This became the onset of the North Korean nuclear crisis which became a major concern in the international arena. Different countries participated to be able to resolve the problem. These countries include China Japan, Russia and the members of the IAEA which held important roles in the process of settling the nuclear crisis. The most important and most affected countries though with the most significant participation in the issue are the South Korea and the United States. For South Korea, the danger had been the fact that the relationship with the Northern region had been volatile since the civil war. In addition, South Korea is facing the North’s dangerous play over the demilitarized zone and the United States, a superpower which deployed about 37,000 American military in the South and played a leadership in international community. For that matter, South Korea and United States can be considered as the major role players in the resolution of the North Korean nuclear crisis. Many of existing literature on the North Korean nuclear problem tend to focus on political aspects of the program and strategy to solve the issue. The political perspective is necessary to analyze the stake of North Korean nuclear program. Although this is the case, it is not sufficient to understand the full scope of a more complicated picture, especially the 1994 crisis which can be considered to be affected by the complicated interaction of history, politics, military and economy. Some published works have been able to reveal more thoroughly such as â€Å"Going Critical†written by insiders during the crisis. The authoritative account of the crisis recounts a detail about how
DNA Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DNA - Coursework Example The enzyme, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase in humans, has two domains ïÆ' HATPase_c (Histidine kinase) and BCDHK_Adom3 (Mitochondrial branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase). These domains are responsible for the functionality of the protein. The HATPase_c is an ATP binding domain. The enzyme inactivates pyruvate dehydrogenase using ATP. The HATPase_c domain is responsible for the enzyme’s kinase activity. The secondary structure of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase protein comprises of two sheets, two beta hairpins, two beta bulges, seven strands, fifteen helices, twenty-eight helix-helix interactions, twenty beta turns and two gamma turns. It also has a potassium ion ligand. The total alignment score for the three sequences is 99.0 for human and chimpanzee, 97.0 for human and dog, and 97.0 for chimpanzee and dog. Most of the amino acids are conserved in all the sequences, except for a few minor variations. The highest score for human and chimpanzee shows a high protein sequence similarity between the two. The entire stretch of the sequences with conserved amino acid clusters are highlighted below: Now that you have familiarized yourself with these sites, I would like you to make a small addition of your own initiative to the report by using any of the features described above or any other tool that you may have discovered. Using the sequence alignment of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase enzyme of human, chimpanzee and dog, created using the CLUSTALW program, a phylogram guide tree was created. This tree shows the phylogeny of the three
Friday, October 18, 2019
Sexual Abuse of Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Sexual Abuse of Children - Essay Example The four large scale factors aw self-report measures, improvement in other indicators of crime, administrative changes that have influenced decline, intervention strategies and programs. Other indicators of health status among American children and youth include rates of child abuse and neglect. While there is some controversy about whether the upswing in child abuse and neglect cases is a reflection of better reporting or of actual increases in cases, there appears to be a steady climb in the number of child abuse and neglect cases every year. The International Child Abuse Network: "Child abuse is the bad treatment of a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caretaker, someone living in their home or someone who works with or around children. Abuse of a child is anything that causes injury or puts the child in danger of physical injury" (Defining Child Maltreatment, n.d.). 'Sexual abuse' constitutes a continuum of activities which can range from flashing, exposure to pornographic material through inappropriate fondling to anal or vaginal penetration. On the other hand, just as feminists have sought to define rape as an act of violence, not a sexual act, it is right to remember that what is at stake in sexual abuse of a child is the expression of superior power rather than an inapposite sexual relationship. Sexual abuse is classless representing the expression of deep-structured inequalities - between men and women, between adults and children. Miller-Perrin and Wurtele underline that it is difficult to define sexual abuse "as all definitions are time- and culture-bound as well as direct reflections of the values and orientations of communities and societies at large" (Miller-Perrin, Wurtele, 1993, p. 3). According to statistical results, the vast majority of sexual abuse is perpetrated by adult males on girls. A standard definition of child sexual abuse is that it is the involvement of developmentally immature children and adolescents in sexual actions which they cannot fully comprehend, to which they cannot give informed consent, and which violate the taboos of social roles. It is somewhat redundant given what goes before, and it yokes abuse too closely to incest as traditionally understood (Jackson et al, 1991). Following Miller-Perrin and Wurtele, child sexual abuse "perpetrated by adults involves the exploitation of adult authority and power for sexual ends. This definition also includes children and adolescents as perpetrators if a situation involves the exploitation of a child by virtue of the perpetrator's size, age, sex, or status. It also includes experiences of physical contact between perpetrator and victim and those where contact may be limited or absent" (Miller-Perrin, Wurtele, 1993, p. 5). There were 669,000 reports of child maltreatment in 2005. By 2006, the reports were over 1 million, and in 2007, they had reached more than 2 million per year. Not only has there been a rise in the number of reports, but the type of injury has become increasingly serious, with a decline in the proportion of reports representing neglect and an increase in reports of sexual abuse and other serious maltreatment (the UK Statistics Authority 2008). . Each year, sexual abuse of children costs 4 millions pounds to the state (UK statistics Authority 2008). Area Child Protection Committees (ACPCs) provide the forum for joint working on child protection issues in the United Kingdom. Each ACPC must have
Abortion Laws And Ethics in Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Abortion Laws And Ethics in Research - Assignment Example Thirdly, with the parent’s knowledge, abortion should only be carried out in the 1st trimester. However, if the pregnancy is in the second trimester, abortion should only be carried out for medical reasons in order to save the life of the mother after considering the health of the mother. This also applies in the third pregnancy where the life of the child should come first in case of imminent danger. However, the case was not argued in favor of the doctor who performed the abortion since abortion is a crime except when the mother of the child is in a medical danger. Based on the proceedings of this case, the doctor’s decisions on whether to carry on with the abortion or not was only valid during the first trimester. However, abortion in other trimesters was dependent on the mother’s health meaning that pregnancy could be terminated only to save the life of the mother (Mcbride, 2007). Part 2 The Tuskegee Syphilis research, which was conducted some decades back cannot be conducted today because the research endangers the lives of the participants and also discriminates participants based on gender. The public, which knew about the study, should have protested given that they have activism power to do so. The research is totally unethical since research ethics demands that a research that endangers the lives of the participants is not ethically right. In addition, full consent of the participants should also be sought.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
(persuasive speech) Preventing exposing our kids to Violent video Speech or Presentation
(persuasive ) Preventing exposing our kids to Violent video games (negative effects of violent video games on youth) - Speech or Presentation Example Video games are also a component of the media and the usage of video games has greatly increased over the years as a form of entertainment. With the surge in the playing of video games, the negative aspects of the video games have come forward and have been highlighted. A strong link between playing violent video games and the increase in the rate of crime amongst youths has been portrayed and many criminal acts have been associated with exposure to violence in video games. Video games have become an essential form of entertainment for youths and the increasing popularity can be analyzed from the fact that children who are as young as two years of age play video games on an average of one hour every day. This tends to increase with age and children between the age group of 8 to 13 years play video games for more than approximately 7.5 hours in a single week. Furthermore another very important aspect that has been indicated by a research is that teenagers presented the fact that the g ames that they bought and played were not reviewed by their parents. Thus there is no regulation on the type of video games that these children play (Anderson et al 2001). It has also been analyzed that 75 percent of the games that are played by teenagers are not meant for their age and have a large amount of violence portrayed in them (Adams, 2010). Video games date back from the years following 1970. The creation of video games itself was not an issue of debate but arguments arose with regard to video games when violent video games were brought into the market. These included Death Race 2000, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Wolfenstein 3D and Night Trap. These video games all follow violent themes and patterns and were objected upon. Such controversies were a threat for the video game industry and in the year 1994 Entertainment Software Rating Board came into existence which was meant to regulate the violence and sexual material of the video games. This served to be an important st ep owing to the fact that a controlling measure was essential for keeping a check on the type of video games that came in the market. Researches indicated the fact that there was greater popularity of violent video games and 59 percent of girls and 73 percent of boys in their fourth year of school preferred violent games over the other ones. The matter became a subject of national concern and the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision that it may put bans on violent video games owing to the negative aspects of these issues (Anderson et al 2001; Greenberg 2007; Suddath 2010). Important incidents have served as eye openers with regard to this subject. The killing of a six year old girl named Zoe by her sister and her boyfriend was a shocking incident. Zoe became the target of her sister Heather Trujillo who was 16 years old and her boyfriend Lamar Roberts who was 17 years old. According to reports, Heather and her boyfriend were greatly inspired by the game Mortal Combat and were practicing the moves of the game on Zoe. This resulted in Zoe suffering from multiple fractures and eventually her death (McPhee 2007). The death of Zoe was a tragic incident. Children should be allowed to play video games but parental supervision is an extremely essential step that needs to be taken. Parents should guide their children and they should keep fixed hours for their games. They
European Integration and Sovereignty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
European Integration and Sovereignty - Essay Example This essay stresses that integration has effects on member states over time. It can also dictate how such member states can go ahead and restrain the actions of the member states who designed them. Path dependency is a key feature of institutionalism. Here, decisions made about the member states in the past have a significant impact on future outcomes and vice versa. The paper has looked at the need for European integration and why this need superseded sovereignty of the various states making up European integration. The European Union is used as the most distinctive, and perhaps, most successful union in history. In a span of 50 years, or so, sovereignty and authority has shifted from national European national governments, not to supranational levels with European Union, but also to sub national ranks such as local authorities and regional assemblies. Policy-making is even and fairly constant. Perhaps the main reasons for European integration include peaceful co-existence among members states, improved bilateral states, a more unified way of doing business, need for political stability, and most importantly aversion of further wars. Even since the creation of integrated bodies such as EU, Europe has enjoyed considerable peace. Trade has improved and member states have co-operated mutually without worries of losing part of their sovereignty. If anything, the EU, for instance has well stipulated and articulated laws that define members rights, provisions and sovereignty rights. Such bodies only act as an umbrella and a unifying factor.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
(persuasive speech) Preventing exposing our kids to Violent video Speech or Presentation
(persuasive ) Preventing exposing our kids to Violent video games (negative effects of violent video games on youth) - Speech or Presentation Example Video games are also a component of the media and the usage of video games has greatly increased over the years as a form of entertainment. With the surge in the playing of video games, the negative aspects of the video games have come forward and have been highlighted. A strong link between playing violent video games and the increase in the rate of crime amongst youths has been portrayed and many criminal acts have been associated with exposure to violence in video games. Video games have become an essential form of entertainment for youths and the increasing popularity can be analyzed from the fact that children who are as young as two years of age play video games on an average of one hour every day. This tends to increase with age and children between the age group of 8 to 13 years play video games for more than approximately 7.5 hours in a single week. Furthermore another very important aspect that has been indicated by a research is that teenagers presented the fact that the g ames that they bought and played were not reviewed by their parents. Thus there is no regulation on the type of video games that these children play (Anderson et al 2001). It has also been analyzed that 75 percent of the games that are played by teenagers are not meant for their age and have a large amount of violence portrayed in them (Adams, 2010). Video games date back from the years following 1970. The creation of video games itself was not an issue of debate but arguments arose with regard to video games when violent video games were brought into the market. These included Death Race 2000, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Wolfenstein 3D and Night Trap. These video games all follow violent themes and patterns and were objected upon. Such controversies were a threat for the video game industry and in the year 1994 Entertainment Software Rating Board came into existence which was meant to regulate the violence and sexual material of the video games. This served to be an important st ep owing to the fact that a controlling measure was essential for keeping a check on the type of video games that came in the market. Researches indicated the fact that there was greater popularity of violent video games and 59 percent of girls and 73 percent of boys in their fourth year of school preferred violent games over the other ones. The matter became a subject of national concern and the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision that it may put bans on violent video games owing to the negative aspects of these issues (Anderson et al 2001; Greenberg 2007; Suddath 2010). Important incidents have served as eye openers with regard to this subject. The killing of a six year old girl named Zoe by her sister and her boyfriend was a shocking incident. Zoe became the target of her sister Heather Trujillo who was 16 years old and her boyfriend Lamar Roberts who was 17 years old. According to reports, Heather and her boyfriend were greatly inspired by the game Mortal Combat and were practicing the moves of the game on Zoe. This resulted in Zoe suffering from multiple fractures and eventually her death (McPhee 2007). The death of Zoe was a tragic incident. Children should be allowed to play video games but parental supervision is an extremely essential step that needs to be taken. Parents should guide their children and they should keep fixed hours for their games. They
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Desmond Morris reaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Desmond Morris reaction - Essay Example The territorial space was most interesting to me because I have noticed that people make a fairly wide combination of affiliations depending upon the circumstances. For instance, not everyone in my group of flats has the same political affiliations, but we are all neighbors and form a solid group whenever anything unfamiliar enters the neighborhood. At the same time that we identify ourselves as residents at this place, we also identify ourselves as students at the same school, workers at the same place, ‘workers’ or ‘students’, members of particular political parties and members of different and usually much smaller social groups and clubs. When our group of flats gets together for community events, we present a solid group to the outside, but inside, we are organized and divided according to some of these other affiliations. While I had always assumed this affiliation process was a natural process of sorting according to individual personality types, I had n’t considered how we established these associations so quickly within the group setting. Morris’ explanation into the various visual clues we provide in our daily interactions as he came down to the familial level began to make this clear. For example, I suddenly realized that no matter which door in the complex I come to, I can usually tell which resident lives there by the way they have customized their entrance area, which is otherwise identical to everyone else’s entrance area.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example for Free
Human resource management Essay A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin on software that integrates information from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software application both rigid and flexible. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized human resource management systems. HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before the client–server architecture evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data transactions. In consequence of the high capital investment necessary to buy or program proprietary software, these internally developed HRMS were limited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital. The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human resource management systems enabled increasingly higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass. According to using an electronic or computerized Human Resource System has several benefits. First is, Automate Key Processes,leverage workflow and internet-based processes to speed and optimize recruitment, hiring, budgeting, compensation, termination, performance, skills, collective agreements, and more. Perform rules-based HR budget control. Second, Get a Single Source of Truth, to maintain global HR data in a single instance for better availability and accuracy of information, with a global single repository of employee data. Third is, Manage Total Compensation, to attract and retain with the right combination of salary and benefits. Set limits and warnings. Control budgets by department, position, or role. Deploy absence and termination policies. Fourth is, Locate and Manage Talent Globally, to manage recruitment, hiring, and deployment on a global basis and address local country requirements at the same time. Manage address information, currency, data formats, banking details, and payment methods for any country. Conduct competency profiling and management. Lastly, Integrate Intelligence with HR Management,to integrate intelligence with HR management to align the workforce with corporate objectives. According to using cloud-based video conferencing helps human resources staff leverage state-of-the-art communications and online collaboration tools to advance the HR agenda. Now, online training, employee benefit meetings, and job candidate interviews can be conducted in private and group virtual conference rooms anytime, anywhere. Using Video Conferencing has many benefits, to cut travel expenses for job candidate interviews, to shorten the hiring process, especially for distributed businesses, to improve the reach of employee benefit meetings to those that missed in-person sessions and those traveling, working from home, or at remote offices, and lastly to create a better online platform for employee benefits, safety, and regulatory compliance training. 1.1 BACKGROUND Nowadays, there are a lot of manual systems being renovated to computerized one. Just like the Human Resource (HR) departments, many companies have evolved to a new computerized system, and also there are companies that still working on a manual based system. The function of Human Resource (HR) departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of human capital progressed to an increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary. Also the Human Resource (HR) department is in-charge of identifying the potential applicants (Applicant Hiring). Being a Human Resource (HR) department, it is humiliating that they do not have a permanent system or database that can store their employee or applicant’s information day by day. Sometimes, many companies encounter different problems related with the employee or applicant’s information. Using Ms Excel or Manual Filing is not advisable for storing or tracking employee or applicant’s data, using those kind of tracking or storing may cause of loss of file, unreliable data, time consuming, heavy manual workload, heavy human work force, and etc. on payroll, time and attendance, performance appraisal, benefits administration, HR information management system, recruiting/learning management, performance record, employee self-service, scheduling, absence management and analytics. The Human Resource (HR) department encourages the proponents to develop a system that will help or solve the existing problems regarding Human Resource (HR) department and also to decrease the human workforce.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Devils Trill :: essays research papers
â€Å"Devils Trill†Before the Spring Festival of 1973 the narrator’s mother brought him his violin; it was a fine German model. The narrator received the violin from his great uncle who bought it from a poor Russian musician for fifty silver dollars. His uncle was on his deathbed when he gave the violin to the narrator, and gave it to him because none of his sons our grandsons played the violin. The narrator aspired to be a musician for much of his young life; he attended a music school, but later abandoned the dream. The narrator is now in a camp for political prisoners, recently one of the prisoners was executed, and many prisoners were scared they were going to be killed. The narrator was made a prisoner of a fellow prisoner named Old Cop, and the narrator could not stand him. Even though he did not like him, the narrator tried to be on good terms with the Old Cop, but he just ignored him. On the eve of the Spring festival the narrator was playing his violin on his bed and a fellow prisoner w as trying to hide cakes his wife had brought him. After a while a crowd of inmates were gathered abound his bunk listening to him play the violin. The Old Cop was annoyed when The Big Boss of the barracks came over to listen to the narrator play so he told the narrator to go outside. As he as going outside to the courtyard he started to recall past spring festivals before he was a prisoner, and how he learned to play the violin. He then entered the bathroom and saw a couple of his friends and started play the violin for them. They were very pleased. Later that night he went to the Big Boss’s barracks, and they talked about the Big Boss’s upcoming release, and how he was arrested. When the narrator returned to his barracks, he witnessed the Old Cop trying to steal the one of the inmate’s cakes and started to fight with him. He eventually won the fight and was rewarded by one of the officers. He was to be one of the waiters at the festival, a job that the Old Cop would have had. The narrator was excited to receive the job because he would be able to hear rumors from the outside world. When they got to the festival they were to help the butcher slay another pig because there were more people coming than expected.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays
State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student? State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student?
Friday, October 11, 2019
Devoir sur college education
It is divided into many levels : elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and University. However, today , education giving in college makes object of query. Why is it important to me? I am going to analyze its foundation, involvement, and its advantages in order to make light upon its importance. In fact, the access to a college education takes on a considerable importance. That is why the number of students who frequent college nowadays increases. This situation incites me to take place in view to obtain promotion in the Labor Market.College is the place by excellence or the obliged passage for the better life preparation. The good functioning of the colleges is considered as an indubitable economic asset. So, the great European countries, to support the international competition, have they been embarked on for about ten years in an immense movement of Universities reflection and reform. Being full of state of fact, I must straggle to complete my college education to ensure a better life. This is utmost dream! College education will contribute to make me proud and more confident as for my future.Education received in college will permit me not only achieving my goals, but also to ensure to my family a better life. It will help me face up to eventualities. Moreover, the world complexity according to the global village, demands to implement a pile of skills in all what we do. So, college education puts me them up. My future is confident with it, and I will obtain a better employment because the Labor Market imposes a series of criteria. College education is very important to me. There is no more place else that can permit to reach my goals. The education that it provides is very useful.There is no frontier or border that can resist at College Education's assault. Many people want to gain success in their lives but don't have the necessary motivation permitting them to realize their objectives. Myself, when I finished my secondary school, I was 21 years old. I studied Accounting. I have been working since 1 997 in an Institution, but I feel that is not enough. I want to have a great promotion in order to be a role model for my children. That's why I am enrolled at Seaworthy College for Business Administration to benefit carefully its education.The willing to become a well prepared person motivates me and learn at Seaworthy College a variety of things such as : writing skills, self motivation , self discipline, and improving my thinking skills. College Education learns me equally to rely on myself and develop those skills y implementing (Kinesthesia approach ) in view to prepare me to become a great professional. College Education imposes me challenges that I impose to myself by †expanding my thinking and learning to think outside the box. â€Å"College Education furnishes me which I will need to develop my mind and reach success. Thanks to College Education !I have access to methodic Research. By now, get a universal vision. It learns me to carry out the comparative study ( contrast ) and to look at all the pros and the cons. College Education recommends me to see the problem from different angles, to not edge the outcomes in the taken decisions. It's been instilled in me the discernment concept. College Education is truly necessary and it is the preparatory step to the great eventualities in the life. It awakens in me the sense of logic ( critical thinking ),reason. Education acquired in College is so much important to me that the words are lacking to me to express my adoration to it.Does College Education bring change to my life? In fact, begin to think another manner. I give the priority to critical thinking. College Education has developed in me the research sense and shown me to discern the good from bad. College Education is become a weapon between my hands permitting me to confront the challenges that represent the Labor Market, better life, human progress, and the community development entirely. College Education has given me the opportunity to learn to organize and structure my thoughts, write clearly and pay attention to the grammar rules.It permits me to make the difference between General writing and Academic writing. It attracts my attention on the †writing process helps me communicate in the online learning environment, which include writing for exams, papers, and discussions board. If I follow meticulously the communication rules in online course or Education environment, according to Bright Hub, will ensure my success. One of rules which retains the most my attention is the Golden Rule : †Do unto others what you want others do unto you College Education reminds me this rules which is so important in my life.It learns me to be careful in what I write and aim for the positive. It encourages me to be proactive in the communication, and to not run-on sentence and fragments. College Education is very important to me. It shows me how taking a test and improving my grades. At the start, I was very dressed when I took a test. Now, the stress is broken up because College Education has awoken in me the notion of internal and external motivation, and the difference which exists between them. College Education helps me choose and determine my learning style and my test-taking strategies.Will a quick look on the universities in U. S. A permit us to surround the College Education ‘importance? Indeed, in U. S. A, at the moment where universities began their rise which had to conduct them at level that they have actually, Price, an American Philosopher, has defined on 1 891 University as an â€Å"Association of men well quipped with and privileged by the state, so that the people might receive and intellectual formation or education and that the theoretical problems which come up during the civilization development might be resolved. So, even the State has comprehended the necessity to put on College Education a considerable sup port. So to speak, College Education is very necessary because it will help me face to multiple challenges waiting for me. I can't under-estimate the Education furnished by Colleges since they put down the real specialization basis. College Education is very important to me because it allows me to furnish my knowledge in the pathway toward university. Let me give an anecdote: â€Å"l know a person who wanted to frequent University.He has a passion for medicine, but he couldn't cross the College step. He obliged to give up. â€Å"So many reasons explain the importance of College Education and the necessity to maintain this opportunity in order to achieve its goals. College Education shows me how to manage my time by according priority to my goals. It gives me tools that are extremely valuable in my life and changes my behavior. It learns me to not procrastinate, to create a daily to-do list, to schedule, to strategies and how to spend my time. College Education allows me to set mea ningful and valuable goals.It has learnt me to be smart about my goals, to write them down, to create an action plan and commit to it. On the culture and social level, the importance of Colleges and Universities is evident today. It is the reflect of recent studies. The survey that have just come to make on the different aspects of College Education permits us to well figure out, and relate its importance. College Education allows me to strengthen the basis for a real orienteering. The tuned' future depends for a great part on Education received at College. The period passed in it marks him deeply and guides inevitably his future.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Girl with a Pearl Earing Essay
Those who don’t have power seek to gain power through others Griet gains power through Vermer in the household and through his death when she receives earrings over Catherina†¦and through Pieter when she marries him Frans gains power over his own life when he runs away Catherina in having children gets power Van Ruven maintains power over family and Griet – painting only Catherina loses power over Griet as Vermer constantly chooses to support Griet. Vermer loses power over Griet and his household because of money and Griet Tanneke loses power when Griet comes and takes her place Van Ruven loses power over Griet Griet gains power for her life but she does not have the power to make the decisions she truly wants to. Agnes loses her sister to the family Chevalier is trying to say: There is no such thing as completely powerful or powerless in the novel, sometimes power requires action and some conforming to society’s actions and expectations, with intelligence comes power, manipulation can bring power, status gives inherent power. Themed base: Power is gained through status Power is gained through manipulation Power is gained through intelligence Character based: Griet Catherina Tanneke 2. Conflict between responsibilities and desires Vermer – To be responsible for being a loving husband and provide for the family but he just wants to be with Griet and paint. Needs to keep Van Ruven happy but doesn’t wasn’t to lose Griet. Griet – Supposed to be a maid but wants to be free to be with Vermer and to help him paint, marry Pieter and provide for her family but wants to be free of male dominance and make her own decisions. (Wants to be her own person – paying the price of being maid-earrings). Hair – supposed to be a good girl but doesn’t want to be. Frans – The mini story of Griet used as a foreshadowing technique (same conflicts) Catherina – Wants to be rich, surrounded by people and loved but is supposed to be a good wife and mother. 3. A maid came free Find three parts that state – Discus it (why Chevalier included it and what she wants the audience/reader to take from it)
Sigmund Freud Ideology
Sigmund Freud explored many new concepts in the human mind during his lifetime. He was the scholar who discovered an immense new realm of the mind, the unconscious. He was the philosopher who identified childhood experience, not racial destiny or family fate, as the vessel of character, and he is the therapist who invented a specific form of treatment for mentally ill people, psychoanalysis. This advanced the revolutionary notion that actual diagnosable diseases can be cured by a technology that dates to the dawn of humanity: speaking.Sigmund Freud, writing more than 320 books, articles and essays on psychotherapy in his lifetime, forever changed how society viewed mental illness and the meaning of their dreams. However, controversy over Freud’s theories surrounded his experiments in whether or not they were wholly accurate scientifically. By not being able to correctly recreate the experiments, the actual â€Å"success rate†of his theories cannot be tested for their a ccuracy in accordance to what Freud stated about his work.Thus, many scientists and influential scholars believe that â€Å"Freud brings the techniques of introspection employed by early nineteenth century poets but lacks aspects of nineteenth century science†(Hutton 62). Overall, the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud are difficult to access scientifically as far as helping mentally ill people recover in reference to treatments outlined in his work. On May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was born as the first child of Jakob and Amalia Freud.Freud had seven siblings, and described himself as his mother’s special favorite- her â€Å"golden Siggie†(Thornton). In his early life, he enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873 where Freud did research in physiology for six years under the German scientist Ernst Brucke and received his medical degree in 1881. He then became a doctor at Vienna General Hospital and set up a private practice center for the treatment of psychological disorders in 1886.During World War II, his books were burned along with those by other famous thinkers. â€Å"What progress we are making,†Freud told a friend. â€Å"In the Middle Ages they would have burnt me; nowadays they are content with burning my books†(Thornton). Freud was interrogated by the Gestapo before his friend, Marie Bonaparte, was able to secure their safe passage to England. Bonaparte also tried to rescue Freud's four younger sisters, but was unable to do so. All four women later died in Nazi concentration camps. During this time, Freud as married to Martha Bernays, and the couple would have six children in their lifetimes. One of them, Anna, who was also interrogated by the Gestapo, was to become a distinguished psychoanalyst herself. Ultimately, after having undergone more than twenty surgeries, Sigmund died in September 1939 due to cancer of the mouth and throat from excessive cigar smoking. The Interpretation of Dreams, originally published under the title of ‘Die Traumdeutung’ in November of 1899, perfectly portrays Freud’s theories from Freud’s point of view.His other works, including The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, do not compel Freud to look into himself like in The Interpretation of Dreams, for â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams is the primary documentation of Freud’s self-analysis†(Parsons). Furthermore, he considered this novel to be his greatest work, even though it was his first. To modern scholars, however; â€Å"His autobiography is rather a record of his public accomplishments. On the whole he presents himself as he wished to be viewed by the world, not as he struggled in his interior life with his personal dilemmas†(Hutton 62).Many important ideas that contributed to the theories in Freud’s novel came from influential academic scholars such as Joseph Breuer, Jean Charcot and Ernst Brucke. Even then, the ideas portrayed in The Interpretation of Dreams, are controversial due to their authenticity. Sigmund Freud and his mentor Brucke wrote on hysteria. They explained their theory: Every hysteria is the result of a traumatic experience, one that cannot be integrated into the person's understanding of the world.The emotions appropriate to the trauma are not expressed in any direct fashion, but do not simply evaporate: They express themselves in behavior that in a weak, vague way offers a response to the trauma. These symptoms are, in other words, meaningful. When the client can be made aware of the meanings of his or her symptoms (through hypnosis, for example) then the unexpressed emotions are released and so no longer need to express themselves as symptoms. With Charcot, many of Charcot's patients suffered from a bizarre array of physical and emotional problems, symptoms of a puzzling affliction doctors called â€Å"hyst eria. Freud became deeply interested in the plight of patients, typically women, who suffered from hysteria. Through the study of hysteria, Charcot would introduce young Freud to the mysteries he would spend the rest of his life trying to fathom – the power of mental forces hidden away from conscious awareness. Furthermore, â€Å"Freud’s father died four years prior to the publication. Painful and disturbing, the long run effect of freeing Freud from his inhibitions impeded his work†(Parsons).The death of Freud’s father most likely had a significant effect on his mind for the topics stated in The Interpretation of Dreams included a great sense of loss of a parental figure, relating to Freud’s ideas of infantile sexuality To Freud, this sexuality covers a much wider concept other than genital intercourse between a male and female. But whatever shape or form of sexuality one eventually takes, Freud asserts, it inevitably has its roots in the infanti le sexuality, which is described in terms of sexual development in the first few years of a life of an infant.He may have written about this topic unaware that he was relating his thoughts to the loss of his father. This also goes hand in hand with Freud’s theory of the unconscious. Freud viewed the unconscious mind as a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that is outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence human behavior and experience, even though they are unaware of these underlying influences.In the end, â€Å"He never ceased to extend and modify his theories†even when disagreements about Freud’s work erupted in the scientific community (Davis). The controversy surrounding Freud’s theories today occurs for many reasons. For example, he stated that his method of psyc hoanalysis cured mental illness; however, there is no way to prove that a patient has become mentally stable, for the patient’s symptoms may have simply been alleviated for a time. Even now â€Å"There is difficulty in specifying what counts as a cure for a neurotic illness, and what counts as a neurotic illness†(Davis).Also, â€Å"Freud’s theory could have been generated by logical confusions from long standing addiction to cocaine†(Girard). Before the harmful effects were discovered, cocaine was often used as an analgesic and euphoric. It was used in household products, and even soda and throat lozenges. Freud developed an interest in the potential antidepressant effects of cocaine, and initially advocated its use for a variety of purposes. This frequent use of the narcotic drug could have effected how Freud treated his patients, and how accurately he conducted his experiments.Disagreements over whether Freud was dependent on the drug shroud the scien tist’s credibility as well, however; it is certain that he used the narcotic drug himself, not just for his patients. As for the science within Freud’s groundbreaking discoveries, â€Å"There was something in his method akin to that of the magi of the Renaissance†(Hutton 61). Freud even stated that during his adolescent years, he was fascinated by dreams, and that allure drove him to study the human mind.It was for a purely individual appeal to discover himself that Freud started his lifelong career. Furthermore, most academic scholars today see Freud’s work as â€Å"Lacking scientific evidence, overemphasizing sex, and having frequent chauvinistic viewpoints†(Parsons). Freud’s infantile sexuality theory is based on data collection from the samples of only a particular group of people in Vienna. Many then argue that the infantile sexuality should differ from one society and culture to another.For example, in eastern societies where the fam ily is not a nuclear one, unlike most western families, the Oedipus Complex should not be as Freud suggests since there are more objects to which love and hate may be directed. This is indeed true but again, even if Freud’s work is just a representation of the western society, it still gives a lot of credible explanations for what happens in the western society in terms of neuroses, behaviors and psychology. Researchers are tapping into the chemistry of the unconscious, exploring the theory of repression, even testing ways to block traumatic memories.What they are finding does not necessarily prove Freud right or wrong but after decades of polarization between neuroscience (the study of the brain) and psychoanalysis (exploration of the mind), the two fields are beginning to find common ground. Dr. Eric Kandel, a Columbia professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute senior investigator and Nobel Prize winner for his work on learning and memory speaks on Freud's greatest contribu tions: Much of what we do is unconscious. That is a revelation that largely comes from Freud.The fact that dreams have psychological meaning, that infants are active, thinking individuals who have sensual as well as painful experiences also comes from Freud. The fact that by listening carefully to a patient, you can get a lot of insight into what the unconscious is talking about. This is revolutionary stuff. (Kandel) Kandel perfectly outlines the relevance of Freud’s ideas to the common man’s life. However brilliant though, the discussion on whether Freud’s ideas are literary or scientific continues. The topic of Sigmund Freud’s theories eing literary or scientific shadows the debate upon whether Freud’s ideas are authentic. For instance, â€Å"If a theory is incompatible with all possible observations, it is scientific,†but, â€Å"[c]onversely, a theory which is compatible with all possible observations is unscientific†(Girard). In other words, if there is no way to disprove a theory’s findings, it cannot be scientific, and if the observations lead you to further insight about the topic that can be proven with specific results, then you have a true scientific theory.As far as being in favor of a literary theory, Freud’s ideas are always intriguing, and The Interpretation of Dreams is probably the best known book on dream interpretation. Also, â€Å"Freud thought of research on the workings of the psyche as a new frontier of science, but psychoanalysis, for all of its originality as a paradigm for understanding the psyche and its efficacy in curing troubled souls, was essentially a technique for retrieving lost memories†(Hutton 61).This concept from Freud contains ideas that are more poetic than systematic, so far as being in favor of a scientific theory; it provides a glimpse into psychoanalytic work from a man who devoted his whole life to discovering how the human mind functions. The c onsequences of believing Freud’s work was literary is that it did not fare well in the last few decades with the general public. Society did embrace the idea; however, once they look into the details of Freud’s ideas, flaws begin to occur in the logical reasoning.Consequences for believing Freud’s ideas are scientific are that they lack scientific rigor and have little or no substantiation in the scientific community. Freud deemed his work correct and scientific, even through the controversy. All the same, his evidence was biased for he based all examples in The Interpretation of Dreams directly to his life. Overall, â€Å"Freud’s theory- it is not falsifiable†due to the lack of true evidence supporting psychoanalytic experiments with Freud (Thornton). In context to how Freud’s ideas helped the mentally unstable, there is no way to portray exactly how well his methods worked.It is known that he used dream analysis, para praxes, word associa tion, projective tests and hypnosis; however the â€Å"success rate†for these measures varies because â€Å"success†in curing a mentally unstable person cannot be exactly measured. In society at the time, these methods of helping the mentally ill were widely accepted among the general public after Freud brought the idea of psychoanalysis to civilization. Freud honestly thought he was helping society by psychoanalyzing mental patients to discover what was vexing them emotionally.Nonetheless â€Å"The cure is affected essentially by a kind of purgation, a release of psychic energy†in which the patients must undergo a deep self-analysis to find the cause of their illness with the help of a psychoanalytic doctor (Girard). In Freud’s own words directly from The Interpretation of Dreams â€Å"The patient himself must become conscious of unresolved conflicts buried deep in the recess of the unconscious mind†(Freud 58). It was this very idea that made his work â€Å"Influential today so that when people speak of psychoanalysis, they frequently refer exclusively to clinical treatment†(Thornton).On the whole, there is no doubt that Freud’s theories about psychoanalysis and the unconscious mind were influential. However when dealing with mentally ill patients, his theories were unscientific by the experiments he conducted. Freud's psycho dynamic model may seem opaque to us today because he explained it in terms of the technology metaphor of his day. It is as if a scientist today used a current technology such as computers as a metaphor for things that one cannot explain easily.However, Sigmund Freud, although criticized, is a highly respected pioneer of psychology. The dominant paradigm of clinical work of psychiatry and psychology is Freudian work. Overall, Freud's theory of the unconscious assumes a personal mind; a mind inhabited with wishes, desires, and needs that have a biological, intra-psychological origin. Du e to this point, the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud are difficult to access scientifically as far as helping mentally ill people recover in reference to treatments outlined in his work.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The influence film has had on violence Research Proposal
The influence film has had on violence - Research Proposal Example The video- tape of the beating, which was broadcasted repeatedly on a national news station, viewed by many, was an articulate capture of how a simple film clip can communicate a violent truth. But film is a powerful tool, even more powerful than the truth sometimes. When the police who took part in the King beating, were first bought to trial, their lawyers used the videotape to give a blow by blow account of the event, using slow motion, fast forward and rewind to prove their point: the police was using "escalation of force", which is justified by the law. The jury believed it and predisposed against the victim. This is just one example of how film actually influenced violence. It is a curious cultural clich that says pictures don't lie. But, it is even part of the greater clich that "seeing is believing". "Somehow, a thing seen directly, especially in motion or even through a visual representation like a painting, a photograph, or a film, brings us closer to some actual activity (Kolker 16)". Images, more so, in Technicolor and high definition entrance us because they provide a powerful illusion of owning a reality. "The moving image, that which is filled, was a vibrant, story- telling mechanism and meaning- generating medium (Kolker 24)". More than literature, painting or the photograph moving images express many, almost most, of people across economic and social classes. That is the catch of how film has become so appealing. The catch is a powerful tool once again. To be able to project such instances close to reality is to actually leave a greater imprint on reality itself. Films are very influential in such a way that they begrudgingly do not care what you think about it, it just plays, even if for some, it is too offensive or too violent. The choice is actually bestowed upon the readers if they would readily sit back, relax and enjoy the show or press stop, eject or off, or walk out of the movie theater. However, the bad, the ugly, the outrageous and the gory are actually more appealing to people nowadays. Violence in film has amplified, in such a way that discretion is hardly an understatement. The effect of film, to actual violence is the imprint it leads to the subconscious. The thirst for violence could actually be an addiction, more so cause viewer aggression. Short-term exposure increases the likelihood of physically and verbally aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts, and aggressive emotions . Recent large-scale longitudinal studies provide converging evidence linking frequent exposure to violent media in childhood with aggression later in life, including physical assaults and spouse abuse. "Because extremely violent criminal behaviors (e.g., forcible rape, aggravated assault, homicide) are rare, new longitudinal studies with larger samples are needed to estimate accurately how much habitual childhood exposure to media violence increases the risk for extreme violence (Bailey 106)". It is hardly that the film is to be blame, it could be innately in the person to react as such, but the film is the medium by which the stimulus is incinerated. Well-supported theory delineates why and when exposure to media violence increases aggression and violence. Film violence produces short-term increases by priming
Monday, October 7, 2019
Healthy Chaos Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Healthy Chaos - Movie Review Example The themes presented in Pi are representative of more than stock market numbers. Rather, Stuart N Davidson contends that "Chaos theory is becoming as important to medicine as it is to physics," (1998). To be sure, we have seen the theory used to model other highly complex systems, including everything from population growth and epidemics to arrhythmic heart palpitations. The truth is, when applying chaos theory, we can see that even something as seemingly random as a dripping faucet has a pattern or sense of order behind it. Davidson argues that "a healthy human is a series of fractal systems each in a state of internal chaos but global order. However, if we put very large numbers of us apparently well-ordered organisms together in social units . . . chaos again appears, but then again becomes perceived as orderly when regarded from afar," (1998). This is to say that neither humans, nor social structures, though they seem to be well ordered, are free from internal chaos. This chaos however, can be regarded as healthy.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
REPRODUCTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
REPRODUCTION - Essay Example When a non-life threatening reason is involved, the termination may be equated to murder of the innocent. The mother may believe in serving the greater good by considering the available facts and opt for termination as a right decision at that moment. Even though the decision to terminate may be right, it does not always lead to a good result. However, one’s autonomy may surpass ethical obligations and terminate the pregnancy regardless. Autonomy recognizes an individual’s rights to make his/her own decision regardless of the available options. In addition, morality is considered to be relative to the norms of an individual’s culture (American Nurses Association 3). The right to life is a fundamental human right as it is the crucial step towards enjoying the other rights and benefits. This basic right is recognized internationally accruing from birth, but petitions that seek to protect life before birth have been on the rise. Establishment of legal frameworks that protect life before birth would recognizes that life begins after conception thus; constitutional protection conferred equally to both the pregnant woman and the unborn. The mere fact that the fetus is dependent on its mother for its existence, only illustrates the need to offer protection to the viable fetus and its mother. This entitles the fetus to the right to be protected from all sorts of dangers. To ensure the provision of this security, the mother should be accorded the necessary environment. A fetus is described as an unborn offspring in the postembryonic period from the beginning of the ninth week after conception until birth. This stage marks the beginning of the development of key structural features gearing towards a humane appearance. During this period, the gender of the unborn can be effectively determined. It can thus be said that a fetus is a human being full of life and its developmental stages. The fetus should be considered to bear moral
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The mpact of organizational structure on the performance and Essay
The mpact of organizational structure on the performance and profitability (Managing Across the Organization ) - Essay Example The paper includes analyzes of Good Sport’s corporate culture and organizational structure, influence of politics, power and leadership style on its performance. The recommendations are made for change management and conflict resolution. Good Sport is a sport organization aiming to reduce alcohol and drug consumption and promote healthy life style for wide target audience. The aims of Good Sport are: †highlight club's important role in the community; help clubs serve and sell alcohol with the law; reduce alcohol-related problems increase club viability; provide free ongoing education and support†. These aims and strategies have a great impact on structure and culture of the organization, its ethical and social values. Good Sport, similar to other organizations, is built out of basic units overlaid with units of executive structure. The size of units is determined by the limitations of effective leadership. In turn, these limitations depend on the complexity of both purpose and technology, the difficulty of communication, the extent to which communication is needed, and the complexity of existing interpersonal relations. Thus spans of managerial responsibility are established. Good Sport has a narrow span of managerial responsibility.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Germany - Essay Example Discussion on the influence of religion in Germany and other countries. Hitler has shown complete contempt for the Russian communist movement. He says that this movement has led to complete anarchy in the country. He compares the Russian communist movement with the fascist movement in Germany which he claims is an attempt to return to the traditions of the ancient Rome. Hitler considers Aryans to be the most genetically powerful people. The Fuehrer also disapproves of the Russian work ethic. He says that the Russian does not work unless there is some external pressure on him. This is in stark contrast to Germans who have are naturally hard workers and thus superior to the Russians. If Hitler did not like the Russians, he had little love lost for their ruler – Stalin. He says that Stalin started his career as a clerk and has remained one all through the years. He does not have any novel ideas and plans. He is able to rule Russia only because of a dedicated and mindless bureaucr acy which follows every order given by him. Although Hitler hated Russians but he valued the territory of Russia which was rich in resources like coal and mineral oil. He claimed that Russia will serve the same purpose for Germany as India did for England. Hitler has shown both contempt as well as admiration for England. His views and feelings towards this country have moved from one extreme to another. He is full of admiration for the administrative capability of the English and the immense pride that they have in their country. He claims that England is superior to Germany in pride and administration and we can learn some invaluable lessons in these two fronts. The Fuehrer is full of praise as to how the English were able to control and colonize the Indians in spite of being numerically inferior. He claims that the reason for this was administrative capabilities of English. Germany needs to learn these capabilities in order to colonize Russia just as England colonized India. Howev er Hitler is also furious with England for denying the due share of Germany. He accuses England of stifling German trade with tariff protection, international agreement and discrimination against our products. Hitler had great hopes for the future of England-Germany relations. He says that the 2 countries will not only co-exist peacefully but also march together against the Americans one day. But before all this happens , England needs to be knocked out by the Germans. This is because due to their pride , England will not respect Germany if they are not defeated by us. The memory of 1918 needs to be completed obliterated with a crushing defeat of English armies. The only country which Hitler has praised in his book is Italy .He claims that both Germany and Italy have been propelled to the path of glory by the efforts of single man. He has shown immense praise for the work done by Mussolini .He has praised the attitude of Italian people and also the Italian architecture which he cons iders as far superior to the French architecture. In this book Hitler has shown contempt for religion in general and Christianity in particular. He has claimed that Christianity is an invention of the Jews. He says that it is much better to respect the laws of the nature than the laws which have been made by priests. Hitler claims priests use the ignorance of people in order to extract benefits from them. He calls Christianity
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