Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Core Values Of Food Movements - 2156 Words
So this is what I have thus far. It’s kind of a bunch of random paragraphs of the topics, not integrated because I wasn’t sure how it would be once everyone got their parts in. Once everyone has filled in their parts I figured we could go from there as far as smoothing out flow. I also haven’t put in anything from the Cultural Modeling in Two Eras of US Food Protest yet but it’s coming! Food movements begin when the decision is made to be considered a citizen instead of solely a consumer. The core values of food movements include: 1. We have rights that need to be fought for, not just assumed 2. Human and environmental health go hand in hand 3. There is no such thing as an average consumer 4. What matters is not just â€Å"what†is eaten,†¦show more content†¦The first is rights discourse, where advocates use international agreements and apply them to a variety of political scales on a smaller level. These activists focus on the individual who should have the right to feed themselves as an essential part of social rights. This type focuses on accountability and responsibility of governments to protect its citizens against hunger. The second type focuses on structural barriers such as food banks and â€Å"anti-poverty†institutions. These believe that food security goes beyond guaranteeing access to food and hunger is an issue of poverty. This type argues that if one has a strong social safety net and adequate income, marginalized people can make choices around foods they purchase. The downside to this type of movement is it ignores the connection of food to the environment and the role globalization plays in production, distribution, and consumpt ion of food. The final type is â€Å"Community Food Security†which combines the first two types and works to develop a broader perspective of sustainability and community building. CFS pushes for building local capacities for food production and marketing, equity, social justice, and ecological sustainability. This type of movement is focusing on long term development. CFS focuses less on governmental policy and more on social capacities that provide potential improvement for those in need. Behind all three types is the belief that people should develop the knowledge and
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
GAAP vs. IFRS comparison - 1264 Words
GAAP/IFRS Financial Statement Comparison Through this course we have been taking a closer look into the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The book lays out the major similarities and differences between the two separate but equal accounting methods. I say, â€Å"Equal†, in the sense that the IFRS and GAAP accounting methods are two different ways that the any company that could come to the conclude the financial statements for any such accounting period. The differences that have apparent between the two methods, GAAP is only used in companies that have been started in the United States, whereas internationally IFRS has been adopted by those prospected companies.†¦show more content†¦As well as, the key assumptions and estimation of the material value adjustments to the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities. It can be easily seen that the accounts for both Exxon and BP companies have many similarities. The accounts for b oth GAAP and IFRS have a tendency to be similar, making it easy for the reader to compare the information that is laid out in the financial statements. Other differences that we will see between the two different policies, when reviewing the balance sheet, are the way in which the assets are listed are in the reverse manor on the balance sheet. When following IRFS, the accounts are listed in the terms of liquidity at the bottom of assets. Under IFRS, the information is presented with the most liquid account listed at the end of the assets division. This dissimilarity will not make a massive impact on what investor’s information on the company that they are reviewing. The other differences that we will see when dealing with the differences, the terminology is different under IFRS. The balance sheet is no longer stated as the â€Å"Balance Sheet†; it is now referred to as the â€Å"Group Balance Sheet†. This is not a major difference between BP and Exxon, fo r example in other companies that follow IFRS, the balance sheet s called the â€Å"Statement of Financial Position†. This difference could make it increasingly difficultShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Ifrs And International Financial Reporting Standards Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesIn this research project, we will be comparing the similarities and differences between IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), specifically in the cash flow statement, and we will be using Apple vs Samsung’s financial statement and stock price to compare the similarities and differences between IFRS and GAAP. 2. Motivation(Vicki) Today, with increasing globalization in the business world, many investors are looking for opportunitiesRead MoreEssay on Ifrs vs. Gaap970 Words  | 4 Pagesuniversal objective, that allows â€Å"Grapes for Grapes†comparisons that clearly, fairly, and completely prepares a company financial statements. For years GAAP has been the common set of standards and procedures for the U.S, the core for establishing a principle of reporting but now IFRS an international friendly financial reporting system has become popular for its use globally. In the text Intermediate Accounting by C.P.A Kieso, GAAP also known as generally accepted accounting principlesRead MoreGaap Vs. Ifrs Standards1366 Words  | 6 PagesGAAP vs. IFRS Standards GAAP generally accepted accounting principle The Financial Accounting Standard Board issues GAAP, which focus on the practices of US companies. GAAP is known as the common set of rules, standards and procedures for accounting used in financial reporting. â€Å"GAAP is the combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the commonly accepted ways of recording and reporting accounting information†(, 2003). Companies follow GAAP rules to clarifyRead MoreAnalysis of Foreign Pension Plans for Employees1365 Words  | 5 Pageseffects of IFRS effect organizations that hold foreign pension plans for employees. IFRS methodology is similar to US GAAP with deferred recognition of actuarial gains or losses, except where past service costs are recognized immediately, instead of being amortized over the service period or life expectancy of workers. Under IFRS, actuarial gains and losses can be recognized in equity, but not under US GAAP. US GAAP has a minimum liability reported in the statement of financial position, but IFRS doesRead MoreIfrs Vs Gaap : An Inventory Analysis1498 Words  | 6 PagesIFRS vs GAAP: An Inventory Analysis Accounting rules and practices are wildly varied around the world today, and doing international business in that type of environment presents many difficulties. From language, cultural, and religious barriers to currency differences and accounting practices, it is difficult to see where businesses stand without a common standard to guide them. Some say that education, culture, and sometimes religious differences are the main factors for such variations (McGeeRead MoreIFRS Vs US GAAp1484 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ IFRS vs U.S. GAAP Victoria Harris American Public University Acct 610 There are two sets of accounting standards that are used worldwide. One is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). There is a huge desire for there to one set of accounting standards worldwide with the increase of companies performing business in many different countries and global expansion. The International Financial Reporting StandardsRead MoreUs Accounting Standards vs. International Accounting Standards1742 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States Accounting Standards vs International Accounting Standards June 21, 2009 Introduction This research project will inform the reader of the difference between the United States accounting standards and International accounting standards. The United States uses the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to issue financial reporting procedures. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)Read MoreRelated Studies Of Revenue Recognition And Ratio Analysis Essay866 Words  | 4 Pagesby Business Enterprises under FASB vs. IASB By Prof. Edel Lemus Carlos Albizu University, United States Financial Change in Revenue Recognition In 2010 the Financial Accounting Standard (FASB) and the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) began a joint project effort towards revenue recognition. The joint project effort of revenue recognition is considered to pass from United States GAAP to IFRS. The scholarly literature concerning how U.S. GAAP and IFRS recognize revenue mostly focuses onRead MoreWhy the U.S Should Not Adopt Ifrs1551 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The United States is currently going through a big decision. It is deciding on whether to fully adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), or to stay with the current U.S Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Since this is such a major decision, now would be an opportune time to take a look at what the pros and cons would be of switching to this new way of financial reporting, and in doing so, show why I believe the costs (both financial and otherwise) areRead MoreUsing A Bipolar Consolidation Model1487 Words  | 6 PagesControl IFRS 10 An investor determines whether it is a parent by assessing whether it controls one or more investees. An investor considers all relevant facts and circumstances when assessing whether it controls an investee. An investor controls an investee when it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. [IFRS 10:5-6; IFRS 10:8]. Power arises from rights e.g. voting rights
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Essay Questions On An Inspector Calls Example For Students
Essay Questions On An Inspector Calls Choose two scenes from An Inspector Calls and explore their dramatic effectiveness, showing an awareness of the historical context and the impact of that on these and on the play as a whole In the play An Inspector Calls, the playwright, J.B. Priestley describes, and refers to actual historical events and life in the Edwardian era. Throughout this essay, I will be focussing on two separate scenes from the play, and analysing certain revealing lines. The first scene is the celebration scene at he start of the play, including Birlings speech of congratulations, which turns out to be more about his outlook on life, and the future. The second scene is the Inspectors interrogation of Mrs Birling. I chose these two scenes because they deal largely with important, fact of life issues for the era. The playwright, J.B. Priestley was born in 1894 in Bradford to middle class parents. Later in 1901, Queen Victoria died and the Edwardian era began. Life in this era was hard, cities being laden with paupers and continuous strikes at places of employment, particularly at mine-pits where tragedies were frequent. This is probably why Priestley became a socialist. An Inspector Calls is set in 1912. It was a week before the Titanic sank, and within two years of World War 1s beginning; a time of endless nightmares, in which one would not like to live. The upper middle class citizens would have no problem with the way the live, their money catering for their every need, but the people of the lower classes would be severely affected by the ongoing troubles. Priestley wrote this play in 1945, so all the happenings would have already occurred when this play was being written and completed. The first scene starting in Act One features a joyous and memorable occasion. It is the engagement dinner of Sheila Birling to Gerald Croft. We learn, via stage directions (which Priestley uses frequently) that there are four Birlings (Arthur, Sybil; the parents, and Sheila and Eric; their children) at the table along with Gerald Croft. All are in formal clothing and drinking port, appropriate for the Edwardian times. Mr Birling is described as a portentous man in his middle fifties with easy manners. He is heavy looking and provincial in his speech. He, as we find out, is not afraid to speak his mind, which is weighed-down with assumptions of the world and others around him. He is a businessman at heart, and feels he is important. He clears his throat (on page three) to draw attention to himself despite there being only four other people present. This shows he feels his superiority as paramount. Later, he remarks, Its a pity Sir George and Lady Croft cant be with us it cant be helped! This tells us he considers himself and his Birling family name worthy of attention, and that he is practically a snob. We can see when reading the text that Birlings character dominates the page. The occasion is meant to be that of enjoyment, and yet Birling takes up half a page discussing the future possibility of a business merging of Crofts Limited, and his own business. He wants this to happen for lower costs and higher prices. This tells us of his political view, as a capitalist. This is a person who is extremely interested in creating profit out of a business for the smallest fees possible. This therefore shows us the contrast between his and Priestleys political view, as a socialist. This is a person who (with the support of a group) aims for the decrease or elimination of the differences caused by economic power, by means of a political power. .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .postImageUrl , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:visited , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:active { border:0!important; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:active , .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314 .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u95edd081d444e9688e7c0ae9b0363314:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Continue to remind society EssayJust as Mrs Birling goes to retreat into the drawing room with Sheila (customary in those times), Mr Birling abruptly announces rather heavily: I just want to say this Are you listening? This concerns you, I dont often make speeches at you This is, in effect, attention seeking. It also gives us the assumption of male superiority, which was typical of the time. Birlings next speech is probably the most flawed of them all, and reveals Priestleys effective use of dramatic irony. Such revealing lines are: Last month the miners were on strike. Weve passed the worst of it, and Were in for a time of increasing prosperity. The way in which Birling says both lines, he sounds very sure of himself, as if he genuinely believes what he is preaching, but in reality he demonstrates naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½vetà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. The 1945 audience would see the because they knew of the upcoming troubling times, of many more strikes and much more poverty. He also says Fiddlesticks! to a possibility of war. Nobody wants war. he continues. In short, how wrong he was! There was not one, but two world wars since his speech (one in 1914, and the other in 1939).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs
Hitachi is a leading global electronic company commonly known as Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi GST). It specializes in the manufacture of hard disc drives, external storage solutions as well as solid state drives. These components are commonly used to handle wide array of data. For instance, data can be generated, stored, processed, retrieved and also disseminated using these components.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, this company also offers myriad of products, systems and services which are used in data management. Some of these products include electronic devices, information systems, power and industrial systems, financial and logistics services as well as consumer products. Hitachi Company has a wide range of internal and external hard disc drives which offer a satisfactory storage capacity to meet the de mand of tech savvy modern users. The drives therefore let one backup and synchronize important data. These drives are known to be reliable and fast enough in terms of speed thus meeting the needs of the consumers. Hitachi has a variety of hard drives and each variety has unique characteristics. Deskstar T7K500 which is a 3.5 inch hard disk drive has a formatted capacity of 250 to 500 GB and works at a speed of 7200 RPM. The disc drive works under a temperature of between 0-60 degrees centigrade and a humidity of 8-90%. The drive is made of sub-drives that are advantageous in that they require minimal running and spinning power and less cooling of the drive. It is also capable of spinning down drives that are not being used at a certain time. In terms of memory, the disc drives possess large Processing memory. Hitachi disk driveAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to this, the drive possesses data integrity in that in case of power loss, Customers’ data is not lost. It has no preventitive maintenance and can withstand 50,000 Start and stop cycles. Moreover, it has a data recovery system. All these Functional characteristics make the device highly reliable.1 Another organization where the same innovative principle is evidenced is ‘Cake Crumbs’ in Denver. This is a three years old baking company with a notable expansion over the past few years. Apart from cakes, they also make salads and sandwiches. As a result, their supply market has widened with time. They are dedicated to making their customers happy through their services that even involve making deliveries to customers’ residences. In addition to this, they make sure they share news about their products together with any happenings around. They are keen to customers’ suggestions and feedback.2  The shop has made use of a variety of ingredients sourced fr om the locality and this has consequently resulted to expansion of its menus to meet demand. Cake baking and decorations scientifically and visionary art forms are employed. The success of ‘Cake Crumbs’ can also be attributed to its creative, experienced, focused and professional employees. In summing up, it is imperative to mention that the invention of the Hitachi disc drives has contributed a lot to the growth of information technology. Its reliability, environmental adaptations, storage and memory capacity among other features increases its suitability across the board. As far as Cake Crumb is concerned, it is definitely an aspect to reckon with. Many businesses can borrow from it. Finally, the following measures are highly recommended: 3 Introduction and distribution of the drives in various geographical locations. Sensitization of both active and prospect consumers through strategic marketing. Marketing of Cake Crumb products to other areas of Colorado and neig hboring countries. The cakes can also be delivered to consumers within their localities in order to reduce physical distance. In addition, sustainable raw materials (ingredients) can be purchased from affordable or less expensive sources. It is important to utilize a lot of media attention techniques for marketing and sustainability. Mostly, the extensive use of social media by the Cake Crumb Company is positive and a good step for extensive marketing. Use of Hitachi disc drives that are relatively smaller in size. Conclusion The companies analyzed have several aspects in common. Most of the similarities relate to techniques of enhancing relevance and sustainability in the market. The following are some of comparisons that can be drawn from the two companies:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Both companies embrace creativity and innovativ eness as key to remaining relevant in the market. Hitachi Company has drives that are customized and can meet the demands from tech savvy customers. Cake Crumb Company utilizes the social media as a way of capturing both existing and prospective customers. This is creative because it places the company relevant for long. According to Chasser and Wolfe, companies must use available media attention techniques and unique characteristics to maintain their relevance. 4 The two companies have effective customer services. Cake Crumb company has a program that taps suggestions and feedbacks from the customers. The company then tries as much as possible to offer its customers some of their preferences as a form of retaining them. Hitachi Company has myriad of services, systems and products that are at disposals. This kind of variety ensures that customers can easily obtain what they actually need at any given time. The company also customizes some of its products to fit the taste and prefere nces of consumers. It is crucial to mention that good customer service is necessary in any business operation bearing in mind that no single business organization can remain relevant in the market without the positive input of consumers. The two companies are well endowed with strategic business marketing as well as business connecting. The latter is a fundamental form of marketing any kind of company. Most importantly, the direction taken is mainly customer based. It seeks to analyze the needs, tastes and preferences of consumers and streamlining production accordingly.5 The use of social media and widening of the market by Cake Crumb is one way of moving closer to the targeted consumers who are supposed to understand the products being offered in the market and possibly make necessary choices. Hitachi, on the other hand, is keenly focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility especially in management of the environment. Both companies have variety of products for their customers. Th e element of variety in both product and service portfolio has been utilized by both companies as a marketing strategy of not only maintaining their customers but also attracting new ones.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bibliography Chaser, Anne Wolfe, Jennifer. Brand rewired: Connecting Branding, creativity, and intellectual property strategy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2010. Estes, Jonathan. Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, 2009. Jose, San. â€Å"Hitachi Inspire the Next†. Hitachi. Web. Lichtenthal, David. Fundamentals of business marketing education: A guide for university-level faculty and policymakers. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc, 2004. Team Cake-Crumbs. Pie, â€Å"Beautiful Pie†. Cake Crumbs. Web. Footnotes 1 San Jose, â€Å"Hitachi Inspire the Next†. Hitachi. 2 Team Cake-Crumbs. Pie, â€Å"Beautiful Pie†. Cake Crumbs. 3 Jonathan Estes. Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, 2009,pp. 140-141. 4 Anne Chaser Wolfe, Jennifer. Brand rewired: Connecting Branding, creativity, and intellectual p roperty strategy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2010.p. 62. 5David Lichtenthal. Fundamentals of business marketing education: A guide for university-level faculty and policymakers. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc, 2004. p.28. This essay on Sustainability on Hitachi and Cake Crumbs was written and submitted by user Tate Stevens to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Chapter 1 The Language of Political Sc Essay
Chapter 1 The Language of Political Sc Essay Chapter 1 The Language of Political Sc Essay Tamara Stanford-Sommers Rose Losoya Government 2305 August 5, 2014 Chapter 1, The Language of Political Science As I’ve researched and learned about every political party. I’ve come to believe that where I stand in a politician’s world is consider a moderate. I researched a few of the current top issue from same sex marriage, extending unemployment benefits, the death penalty to minimum wage. I found that my views were kept within reasonable limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense (Harper, 2010), in the same view as of a moderate. The first issue I researched was same sex marriage; I believe people should have their own choice and freedom to live the lifestyle of their choosing. It shouldn’t be any type of law to stand in the way of someone’s love interest, because same sex love is a good as any. It’s a bond that should not be in the hands of the government or anyone else for that matter but in the hand of the two people willing to make the commit together. The second issue I researched was extending unemployment benefits. Right now is one of the most difficult times to receive a job, and I feel as though some of the people need them benefits. I also do know that Texas unemployment has strict rules in receiving unemployment benefits that also make it a good program. A person is required to report 40 hrs a week of job searching receiving signatures from every place of employment office they visit. So people are also working for the benefits and not just laying around receiving them. The thi rd issue I researched was the death penalty. I agree 100% with the death penalty. Some crimes are so horrific
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Software vs. Piracy essays
Free Software vs. Piracy essays There is a crack, a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in (Fravia +). There are many types of programs to download off the Internet; for every type of program, there are numerous software titles. For example, say you want a feature rich word processing program but are not sure what kind to get. A search on the popular download site for word processor will find at least fifty programs such as Star, AbiWord and Atlantis, among others. Out of all the programs listed, two thirds fit the criteria desired; they are also the ones that cost a significant amount of money. In the past two years, I have learned, through reading information provided on various newsgroups and websites, the ins and outs of acquiring software at no cost. I will not only explain how to find, install and keep any program for free, I will attempt to rationalize why it should not be a crime to do what many people might define as piracy. I want to begin by stating that while many of the expressions used in this paper will be defined, it will be assumed most of the common terms (i.e., file, download, serial number, password, etc.) will not need to be explained. There are many reasons why I prefer not to pay for software. One small but important one is that I dont have the money to buy overpriced programs. However, Ill get into that more a little later. Lets begin by figuring out what to do first. For example, perhaps you are trying to find some information on the web for a research paper but are having a hard time trying to sort out all of the information. You remember a friend mentioning a program that will access over 1000 search engines and narrow the results down to the most relevant. You know the programs name is Copernic, so you go to a download site, such as Cnet or ZDnet, and put in a search for it. After reading the details, you realize that you want it, except it cost ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal Statement of Project Management Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Of Project Management - Personal Statement Example The course is suitable for individuals, who are from various employment backgrounds and have the ability, skills and knowledge to become a project manager. In this course I will get to understand the techniques and processes that are linked with project management. The process includes management of cost, time, quality, communication, risk and human resources. I will also get to understand the procurement process of the resources that are required for the completion of the project. The program also aims at training the individuals to lead a team and impart motivation skills (Northeastern University, 2013). Presently, responsibilities of project managers have increased over the years with the increase in number of failed projects. The failure or success company projects are dependent on the abilities and skills of the project managers. Products and services of a company needs get launched in the market in a particular period of time. If there is delay in the procurement process of raw materials then the launch of the products is hold back simultaneously. This delay in procurement process can be rectified by an efficient project by contacting a good supplier and convince them to supply the raw materials within a specified time so that the manufacturing process of the products are not hampered. Hence, in order to avoid disturbance in the manufacturing process companies needs to hire skilled project managers, who can effectively manage each step of the project (Northeastern University, 2013). The role of project managers is very challenging as the success or failure of projects is dependent on them. Appropriate sets of skill are required delivering vital projects on time within a particular budget. The project manager has to lead a large team where the team members have different though process and behavior; he has to lead and motivate them to do specific works for the successful completion of projects. The
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ron Kirshner vs.Flash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Ron Kirshner vs.Flash - Essay Example of the Bozapalooza but he told Kirshner that an SnS reunion concert was out of the question due to differences between Flash and fellow SnS member Axl. Flash made it clear that because of past arguments he would not perform on stage with Axl. These negotiations occurred in September. Flash also indicated that he would go to Thailand and therefore could not be reached for the time being. Flash informed Kirshner that he would be gone from Sept 23 to October 22; during that period he would be incommunicado. Kirshner sent a letter on September 21, via regular mail, stipulating their agreements. It arrived September 24 or after Flash had already left for his overseas trip. When Flash returned from his trip he was surprised to learn that he would be performing with Axl at the Bozapalooza against his express wishes. Kirshner informed him that because Flash could not be reached, he went ahead and booked the concert with Axl. Hence Flash wants to know if he is legally obligated to perform at the concert. A contract requires a meeting of minds between the parties involved. There must be an offer from one party and an acceptance of that offer on the part of the other party. In the present case, there appears to be a reciprocal obligation between Kirshner and Flash. There was an offer by Kirshner for Flash to perform at the Bozapalooza in exchange for a sum certain in money. Kirshner, as promissor, showed a willingness to be legally bound by the terms he specified in a way that would lead a reasonable person in the position of Flash to understand that an acceptance is being sought and, if made, would result in an enforceable contract. Now, an important matter to consider is what the stipulation of the contract was. On September 1, Ron made an initial offer involving an SnS reunion concert at Bozapalooza. The response of Flash was a counter-offer stating that while he was willing to perform at Bozapalooza, he would not perform with Axl. Negotiations resumed on September
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Studying in American university of Kuwait Essay Example for Free
Studying in American university of Kuwait Essay Established in 2003 by Amiri Decree 139, American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an autonomous liberal arts institution. Its campus is situated at the intersection of Salem Al Mubarak Street and Amr Ibn Al As Street in Salmiya district, Kuwait. In addition, AUK is a certified body by the council for private universities and the Ministry of Higher Education of Kuwait state. The administrative structure and educational standards are based on the American model of higher learning. The University strives at equipping students with essential skills for promoting critical thinking and value for diversity. One of the major motivations for applying at AUK is its educational quality and diversity. The fact that the medium of instruction is English, the university offers a serene environment for any English speaker. Consequently, students from around the globe can join, owing to the fact that English is the most widely spoken language. In addition, with its large garden enclosed by offices and classes, the campus design offers an open atmosphere for intensive learning. Apart from the design, its interactive and relaxing structures have greatly motivated me to study at AUK. This is mainly offered through pool tables and HD televisions found at a tent located at the main gate. AUK does not only offer curriculum activities, but also extra curriculum opportunities like athletics and clubs. Examples of athletics offered include, soccer, volleyball, basketball and table tennis, among others. Since the university values a multicultural and a lively campus involvement, students of different cultural background makes this a reality. Similarly, self-awareness and effective communication skills offered, leads to responsible, morally acceptable individuals in societies. Thus, I believe I will become a good ambassador of the institution. Moreover, the students clubs and associations play a crucial role in giving back to the community. This is through community service activities, where I can take part and at the same time create goodwill between the institution and the surrounding community. In summary, I am convinced that my relationship with the AUK administration will create a win-win situation. The modern facilities and the high-speed internet services do not only attract me, but will also make my life in campus lively and collaborative. The institution has IT developments that will ensure a rich learning environment. A wide range of degree programs offered in the institution creates a convenient space for diversity. Lastly, I find the university location quite peculiar. Surrounded by major malls and cafes with American style, the location is just one of a kind.
Friday, November 15, 2019
America - Argumentitive Essay :: essays research papers
Argumentative Essay â€Å"That Australia Should Resist American Influence†- Against For over 50 years now, the United States of America have been a source of inspiration for the people of our great nation. We watch their TV shows, listen to their music, eat their food, and this is all before we leave for work in the morning! Like it or not, America has had a positive influence on Australia, and their is no reasonable explanation to support an abandonment of it. Sure, people may choose to argue that Australia is a country that can stand on it’s own two feet and make it’s way up the world’s political, social and economic scale on it’s own, that is a childish fantasy. To resist American influence is in no way possible or even feasible. We have an extremely high import rate from America. Where would we be without our weekly dose of ‘Friends’ or ‘Chicago Hope’? What childhood wouldn’t be complete without memories of Coca-Cola and bubble gum? It is not just the petty things we ferry in that we can thank America for. Where would our small business community be if it weren’t for American franchises such as ‘Dominoes’ and ‘Baskin Robbins’? Where would out large businesses be without the aid of computer technology, which was so kindly invented by Mr. Bill Gates? If we stand back for a moment and take a long hard look at the things we make use of every day, wouldn’t it be fair to say that at least 80% of them have American foundations? To give these up at the drop of a hat, so we can demonstrate our originality is ludicrous. We would have the world laughing in our faces, due to our naivetà ©. It is a nice thought to be completely independent, but the re is no chance of it happening in the near future. But, for arguments sake, let’s just say we did, where would we be? Australia has had moments of brilliance, but on a whole, we are fairly quiet folk. When we have had the pleasure of being the center of attention, it is usually because we have made some fangle-dangle movie that takes the mickey out of ourselves.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How P&G Brought the Diaper Revolution to China Essay
When Procter & Gamble set out to sell Pampers in China more than a decade ago, it faced a daunting marketing challenge: P&G didn’t just have to persuade parents that its diapers were the best. It had to persuade many of them that they needed diapers at all. The disposable diaper  a throwaway commodity in the West  just wasn’t part of the cultural norm in the Chinese nursery. Babies wore cloth diapers, or in many cases, no diaper at all. And that, says Bruce Brown, who’s in charge of P&G’s $2 billion R&D budget, is why China presented  and still presents  such a huge opportunity. Today, after years of exhaustive research and plenty of missteps, Pampers is the No. 1-selling diaper in China and the company, in many ways, is just getting started there. The diaper market in China is booming. It stands at $1. 4 billion  roughly a quarter the size of the U. S. market  and is projected to grow 40 percent over the next few years, according to research firm Datamonitor. P&G’s success in China has helped CEO Bob McDonald set some bold goals. Last October, he laid out a plan to add one billion customers over the next five years by promoting P&G brands throughout some of the poorest corners of the world. How will P&G go about doing that? To get a sense, just look at the way it cracked  and to a large degree created  the market for disposable diapers in China. Learning From Failure When P&G first launched Pampers in China in 1998, the effort flopped. Instead of developing a unique product for the market, P&G made a lower-quality version of U. S. and European diapers, wrongly assuming that parents would buy them if they were cheap enough. â€Å"It just didn’t work,†Brown says. Chinese split-pants, or kaidangku. Photo by The Wu’s Photo Land on Flickr It didn’t help that Chinese families had always gotten along just fine without disposable diapers. There, potty training often begins as early as six months, and children wear what’s called kaidangku  colorful open-crotch pants that let them squat and relieve themselves in open areas. Pampers’ pitch wasn’t compelling people to try something new  and neither was the product itself. â€Å"We scrimped on the softness in the earlier versions,†says Kelly Anchrum, director of global baby care, external relations, and sustainability. â€Å"It had a more plasticky feel. It took us awhile to figure out that softness was just as important to moms in a developing market. †P&G had tried a similarly watered-down approach earlier in the decade, when it launched laundry and hair-care brands in several emerging markets. Those products also failed, Brown says. After these experiences, the company in 2001 came up with a new approach to product development: â€Å"Delight, don’t dilute. †In other words, the diaper needed to be cheap, but it also had to do what other cheap diapers didn’t  keep a baby dry for 10 hours and be as comfortable as cloth. So P&G added softness, dialed down the plastic feel, and increased the absorption capability of the diaper. To bring down the cost, the company developed more efficient technology platforms and moved manufacturing operations to China to eliminate shipping costs. The revamped diaper, Pampers Cloth Like & Dry, hit retail shelves in China’s largest cities in 2006, selling for the equivalent of 10 cents in local currency, less than half the cost of a Pampers diaper in the United States. The Universal Pitch P&G had the right diaper and the right price point. Now it faced the bigger challenge. â€Å"You have to convince someone that they need this thing,†says Ali Dibadj, an analyst who covers P&G at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. For Frances Roberts, global brand franchise leader for Pampers, every trip to China was (and still is) an opportunity to learn more about Chinese nursery habits. It’s part of the P&G ethos that brand leaders visit consumers in their own homes  something Roberts has done in dozens of countries, including Germany, Russia, and Jakarta. The goal is to uncover the nuances of each market, and early on in its diaper research P&G discovered a universal need. â€Å"Moms say the same things over and over,†Roberts says. Their cry: We want more sleep. With the help of the Beijing Children’s Hospital’s Sleep Research Center, P&G researchers conducted two exhaustive studies between 2005 and 2006, involving 6,800 home visits, and more than 1,000 babies throughout eight cities in China. Instead of cloth, the research subjects were tucked into bed with Pampers. The results: P&G reported that the babies who wore the disposables fell asleep 30 percent faster and slept an extra 30 minutes every night. The study even linked the extra sleep to improved cognitive development, a compelling point in a society obsessed with academic achievement. P&G then put its marketing machine into motion. Pampers launched the â€Å"Golden Sleep†campaign in 2007, which included mass carnivals and in-store campaigns in China’s biggest urban areas. A viral campaign on the Pampers Chinese web site asked parents to upload photos of their sleeping babies to drive home the study’s sleep message. The response was impressive: 200,000 photos, which P&G used to create a 660-square-meter photomontage at a retail store in Shanghai. The ad campaign boasted â€Å"scientific†results, such as â€Å"Baby Sleeps with 50% Less Disruption†and â€Å"Baby Falls Asleep 30% Faster. No diaper brand, not even rival Kimberly-Clark, maker of Huggies, has come close to spending as much on advertising in China, according to CTR Market Research, the China-based division of American media researcher TNS Media Intelligence. Since 2006, Pampers’ measured media spend topped 3. 2 billion yuan, or about $476 million  more than three times as much as any other brand. In 2009 alone, P&G spent $69 million, compared to Kimberly-Clark’s $12 million spend for Huggies. Ruling the Nursery  in China and Around the World Today, Pampers is the top-selling brand in China, a country where about a decade ago the disposable diaper category hardly existed. P&G does not release sales figures for specific countries, but Datamonitor estimates that the company has captured more than 30 percent of the $1. 4 billion market. Karl Gerth, an Oxford professor who researches the spread of consumerism in China, says P&G’s marketing campaigns strike the right tone. â€Å"You don’t want to come off as paternalistic,†says Gerth, who wrote the book â€Å"China Made: Consumer Culture and the Creation of the Nation. â€Å"The idea that Pampers brings a scientific backing and gives children an edge in their environment  that’s a brilliant way to stand out from the competition. †You could argue that it’s easy being No. 1 when the market is still small. But P&G still has a lot of work to do. The company faces challenges from private-label and domestic brands, including the No. 2 market leader, Hengan International Group, which has steadily grown its market share to 20 percent. Local brands, meantime, are catching up with better products, marketing, and distribution. Chinese consumers are going to want to root for the home team,†Gerth says. And there’s still the challenge of making disposables a habit. On average, diaper use still amounts to less than one a day. â€Å"We’ve only just begun to scratch the surface [in China],†Dimitri Panayotopoulos, vice chairman of global household care, told investors in a 2008 analyst meeting. There’s even bigger potential in India, where the birth rate is almost double that of China but the diaper market remains tiny at about $43. 4 million. (Pampers is the top-selling brand there, too. So now, P&G plans to take the sleep argument throughout rural and poor areas in India and elsewhere. The company also makes its case by positioning itself as a baby-care educator. Pampers sponsors healthcare-outreach programs such as a rural immunization program in China and mobile medical-care vans in Pakistan and Morocco. In India, there’s a door-to-door program that offers baby-care tips and diaper samples for moms. Of course, P&G tweaks the sales pitch to fit different markets; that’s what the company is known for. In India, for instance, the convenience of disposable diapers doesn’t resonate with parents. The company’s consumer research found that many Indian mothers think that only lazy moms put their babies in disposable diapers that last a full night. As Pampers brand manager Vidya Ramachandran reported in an internal video shown to employees, â€Å"We really had to change that mindset and educate [mothers] that using a diaper is not about convenience for you  it’s about your baby’s development. â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai
After living in this busy metropolis, this island of islands for about 17 years I’ve realised one thing – your senses are automatically heightened. Whether it’s your eyes that are constantly alert in the fast paced traffic or your ears that are forced to hear a cacophony of trains, vendors and honking cars. Your mouth and taste buds that have grown accustomed to Mumbai’s spicy, flavoursome cuisine. And of course, we’ve all had the chance to travel in a packed local train, scared that we’d get pick-pocketed, it’s like we’re born with a heightened sense of touch too.But I perceive Mumbai to be a â€Å"city of smells†. By this, I don’t imply that ours is a city full of stench and smog, no it’s much more than that! Like each home has a distinct smell of its own, Mumbai has these particular aromas and scents that define the city and give it character. The moment you step into Mumbai, your impression about the cit y could vary, depending on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist. A pessimist would complain about the foul odour that comes from the slums, (You should know that Mumbai is home to one of the largest slums in Asia – Dharavi, so that’s a lot of stink! , the amount of vehicular pollution and smoke from cigarettes, the malodour of overflowing sewage etc. An optimist, on the other hand would enjoy the sterile, sanitised smell of malls, hotels which are plenty in Mumbai. Or you could be a realist like me and believe the city has a dual identity with motley collection of fragrances and odours. But that’s a discussion for later. Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai entirely – quaint little bungalows with terracotta tiled roofs are replaced with high rises made of chrome and glass. Niwas-es†and ‘Sadans’ are pulled down to make way for ‘Towers’ and ‘Heights’. However there still are some remaining gar dens and patches of green like the Hanging Gardens, Jijamata Udyan, the Sanjay Gandhi National Park to name a few. Mumbaikars still visit these parks to get a whiff of nature. And how can I forget the numerous â€Å"Chaafa†or champa trees with their sweet smelling flowers! Ironically this fast pace of industrialisation and development hasn’t improved the condition of public toilets in the city. Most Mumbaikars still cringe at the stink that comes from our city’s ‘shauchalayas’.The part of Mumbai that I enjoy the most is the sea. As a child, I’d know that we were passing by some â€Å"Chowpatty†or beach by the crisp saltiness in the air. Mumbai’s fish markets smell of the salty sea too – it’s the smell of freshly caught fish. Most times these markets give off the odour of rotting fish – an odour I still find repulsive. And then there is the floating smell of sukka bombil or Bombay duck dried in the sun near the coast! Another way of knowing that you’re near a crowded beach is the inescapable smell of chaat.The aroma of herbs, garam masala, the tang of squeezed lemons in a plate of bhelpuri or sev puri are enough to set the juices going in your mouth! You’d also smell vadapavs being friend and pav bhaaji being prepared – taka-tak – two dishes that originated in Mumbai. And then there is the smell of piping hot ‘cutting chai’, (The term cutting chai is said to have originated in Mumbai too! ) sold at tea stalls at every nukkad of Mumbai. Every meal in India usually ends with â€Å"paan†. Another common feature on the streets and many walls of Mumbai are paan stains which have their own disagreeable stink.Sometimes I can tell which part of Mumbai I’m in only by the distinctive redolence of that part. I know my train is passing through Andheri when I get a whiff of baked biscuits because the Parle G factory is very close to Andheri st ation. I know that my taxi has taken a turn at King’s Circle because of the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the local cafes serving original south-Indian filter coffee. For that matter I still associate the aroma of freshly baked bread, cakes and cookies from the string of bakeries in my very own Orlem.Travelling in local trains has become a part of the daily routine of a large number of Mumbaikars. More than often these trains are overcrowded, filled with more passengers than can fit in. Now it’s not the sea of bodies that I have an issue with, it’s the smell of human sweat that’s the problem! At such times I dream of Mumbai during the monsoon. There is nothing more beautiful, more gratifying than rains in the city! It gives us Mumbaikars relief from the summer heat, the air smells fresh and clean. The smell of wet mud right after a shower is almost magical. Yes, such earthy fragrances are a part of Mumbai too!
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity
The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity The Harold is a long form improv activity first developed in the 60s by theater director/teacher Del Close. Long-form improvisational activities allow actors more time to develop believable characters and organic storylines. Whether the performance is a comedy or a drama is entirely up to the cast members. Long form improv can last from 10 to 45 minutes (or beyond)! If done well, it can be absolutely mesmerizing. If done poorly it can elicit snoring sounds from the audience. It begins with a suggestion from the audience. Can someone name an object?Okay, people, choose an emotion.What is an activity you did yesterday?Name your favorite / least favorite word. Once selected, the word, phrase, or idea becomes the centerpiece for the Harold. There are limitless ways to begin the improv. Here are a few possibilities: Each cast member delivers an impromptu monolog.A word association game is played.The cast does an interpretative dance based on the suggestion.Each cast member recaps a personal (or fictional) memory connected with the audiences suggestion. The Basic Structure During the opener, cast members should listen intently and utilize some of the material In later scenes. The opening scene is usually followed by: Three vignettes related to the theme.A group theater game (involving some or all cast members).Several more vignettes.Another group theater game.Two or three final scenes that pull together the various themes, characters, and ideas that have been developing throughout the performance. Heres an example of what might happen: The Opener Cast member: (Speaking cheerfully to the audience.) For our next scene, we need a suggestion from the audience. Please name the first word that comes to mind. Audience Member: Popsicle! The cast members might then gather around, pretending to look at a popsicle. Cast Member #1: You are a popsicle. Cast Member #2: You are cold and sticky. Cast Member #3: You are in a freezer next to the waffles and beneath the empty ice cube tray. Cast Member #4: You come in many flavors. Cast Member #1: Your orange flavor tastes like orange. Cast Member #2: But your grape flavor tastes nothing like a grape. Cast Member #3: Sometimes your stick tells a joke or a riddle. Cast Member #4: A man in an ice cream truck carries you from one neighborhood to the next, while sugar-starved children chase after you. This can go on a lot more, and as stated above there are many different variations of the Harold beginning. Typically, whatever is mentioned in the opening might become a theme or a topic of an upcoming scene. (Thats why having a good memory is a bonus for Harold participants.) Stage One Next, the first set of three brief scenes begins. Ideally, they might all touch upon the theme of popsicles. However, the actors may choose to draw out other ideas mentioned in the moderators monolog (childhood nostalgia, dealing with grown-ups, sticky food, etc). Scene A1: Hyperactive children pester their mother for a popsicle, but first they must do their chores.Scene A2: A popsicle discusses life in the freezer with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Waffle.Scene A3: A trainee experiences her first day at the Popsicle Factory, working as a writer of lame jokes to be placed on the popsicle stick. Noises, music, cast member gestures, and interaction can take place throughout, helping to transition from one scene to him next. Stage Two: Group Game Whereas the previous scenes may have involved several cast members, Stage two typically involves the entire cast. Note: The games used should be organic. They might be something often seen in improv shows, such as freeze or alphabet; however, the game could also be something spontaneously created, some sort of pattern, activity or scene structure that one cast member generates. the fellow cast members should be able to tell what the new game is, then join in. Stage Three The group game is followed by another series of vignettes. The cast members may choose to broaden or narrow the theme. For example, each scene might explore The History of Popsicles. Scene B1: Popsicles during Cavemen TimesScene B2: Popsicles during the Middle Ages.Scene B3: Popsicles during the Old West. Stage Four Another game is in order, preferably involving the entire cast. This one should be very lively to build the energy for the final portions of the Harold. (In my humble opinion, this is the perfect spot for an improvised musical number but it all depends on Stage Five Finally, the Harold concludes with several more vignettes, hopefully calling back to several of the topics, ideas, even characters that have been explored earlier in the piece. Possible examples (although it seems counter-intuitive to give written out examples of improv ideas!) Scene C1: Caveman experiences worlds first case of brain freeze.Scene C2: Mr. and Mrs. Waffle decide to see other people; she visits the fridge.Scene C3: The Ice Cream Man is on his death bed, and his life flashes before his eyes. If the cast members are clever, which I am sure they are, they could tie the ending with material from the beginning. However, the Harold doesnt need to tie everything together to be fun or successful. A Harold might begin with a specific topic (like popsicles) but drift away too many different subjects, themes, and characters. And thats fine too. Remember, any improv game can be changed to suit the needs of the cast and the audience. Have fun with the Harold!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Slope Formula to Find Rise over Run
Slope Formula to Find Rise over Run The slope formula is sometimes called rise over run. The simple way to think of the formula is: Mrise/run. M stands for slope. Your goal is to find the change in the height of the line over the horizontal distance of the line. First, look at a graph of a line and find two points, 1 and 2. You can use any two points on a line. The slope will be the same between any two points on a straight line.Note the X and Y value for each of the points.Now well designate the X and Y value for points 1 and 2. Well use subscripts to identify them in the slope formula. The formula for the slope of the straight line going through the points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) is given by M (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1) The answer, M is the slope of the line. It can be a positive or negative value. The subscripts are only used to identify the two points. They are not values or exponents. If you find this confusing, you could give the points names instead. How about Bert and Ernie? Point 1 is now Bert and Point 2 is now ErnieLook at the graph and note their X and Y values:(XBert, YBert) and (XErnie, YErnie)The slope formula is now: M (YErnie - YBert) / (XErnie - XBert) Slope Formula Tips and Tricks The slope formula can give a positive or a negative number as a result. In the case of vertical and horizontal lines, it can also give no answer or the number zero. If the slope is a positive value, the line is rising. The technical term is increasing.If the slope is a negative value, the line is descending. The technical term is decreasing.You can check your math by eyeballing the graph. If you got a negative slope but the line is clearly rising, you made an error. If the line is clearly going down and you got a positive slope, you made an error. It could be you mixed up X and Y and points 1 and 2.Vertical lines have no slope. In the equation, you are dividing by zero, which does not produce a number. If a quiz asks the slope of a vertical line, dont say zero. Say it has no slope.Horizontal lines have a zero slope. Zero is a number. In the equation, you are dividing zero by a number and the result is zero. If a quiz asks the slope of a horizontal line, say zero.Parallel lines have equal slopes. If you find the slope of one line, you dont have to run the formula for the other line. They will be the same. This can save you some time and effort.Pe rpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes. If two lines cross at a right angle, you can find the slope of one and then change the value for the other to negative or positive.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Sociological Perspective of Suicide Research Paper
The Sociological Perspective of Suicide - Research Paper Example An individual who has decided for his own self to commit suicide will find no alternative to delay his decision (Novak 1997). He finds the best possible methodology and the tools to make sure that suicide is the order of the day as far as his life is concerned. However having said all this, suicide is no escape from this world because as the sociological theory suggests, suicide is indeed the end of everything but not exactly a logical conclusion to a life that can bring about solutions if proper consideration and hard work are devoted. It is a given that suicide can always be avoided but the ones who believe in it are usually in support of this form of death. The Sociological Perspective of Suicide Under the sociological perspective, positivism suggests that social processes need to be analyzed and studied in terms of the cause and effect using a scientific model which depicts that the suicide process is indeed a study between life and death for the ones who believe in this dictum i n essence. ... s well, which include – the differential association theory, the labeling theory, the rational choice theory, the social disorganization theory, the social learning theory, the strain theory and lastly the sub-cultural theory. The Humanistic Perspective If seen from a humanistic perspective, suicide is a bane in the time and age of today as well as in the past. It does not offer any form of solace because it takes a life away from the worldly affairs and makes other feel bad about the whole suicide situation. The individuals who are near and dear to the ones who commit suicide feel that they have been hard done by. They encounter societal imbalance because people feel that these individuals are the reason why suicide took place on the part of the deceased person. It is a well-known fact the world over that suicide does not solve the problem, in fact it is the start of a problem which has long-lasting and consequential affects on the family of the deceased as th ey have to go through a tough time at the hands of the police authorities and the society at large which continuously questions the legitimacy of the suicide. The cause is found out because this is pertinent to the overall study of suicide in the first place (Bayatrizi 2010). The Negativity within the Phenomenon of Suicide The sociological perspective pays a great deal of significance on how suicide is taken as something of a very negative tenet within its folds. The suicide activity is the result of a lot of breakdown on the part of the deceased since he has got to the decision of giving up his life due to internal and external pressures which have come to his realization. There are a number of reasons why suicide is the end result.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cloud computing Risk or Opportunity Research Paper
Cloud computing Risk or Opportunity - Research Paper Example Since last few years, cloud computing has resulted in a number of positive impacts on the IT ecosystem, thereby giving rise to new markets and widely scattered new user communities (European Commission, 2012). Contextually, the concept of cloud computing is the outcome of the direct industrial needs to enhance resource utilization without intervening consumer requirements. In other words, the concept ensures the use of the available resources in more efficient manner (European Commission, 2012). The paper intends to critically examine the opportunities and the risks associated with cloud computing and draws a valid conclusion on its adoption by organizations. Cloud computing was initially used in an academic perspective by Prof. Kenneth K Chellapa who illustrated it in 1997 at the Informs Conference in Dallas as â€Å"a computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing will be determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits†(Petri, 2010). There are various definitions of cloud computing however the most appropriate and broadly accepted definition is being provided by North America National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). According to NIST, â€Å"Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort to service provider interaction†(Petri, 2010). Public Cloud: Public cloud model is provided by vendors and can be accessed over the internet or private network. One or more data centers are used by this model which is shared by multiple customers (Weitz, 2010). Private Cloud: Private cloud model is managed and used internally by the organizations which utilizes ‘shared services model’ and makes variable usage of virtualized computing resources. The data stored in the model are managed within the organization (Weitz,
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Simulation and systems modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Simulation and systems modelling - Essay Example It provides an overview of DES, DES adoption challenges, and DES application main areas in manufacturing. The report also represents three selected famous systems appeals for small, medium, and large companies. Finally, the report gives a conclusion and future directions for simulations. First of all, to define simulation, The Oxford English Dictionary describes Simulation as: "The technique of imitating the behaviour of some situation or system (Economic, Mechanical etc.) by means of an analogous model, situation, or apparatus, either to gain information more conveniently or to train personnel." Also, computer simulation methods have developed since the early 1960s. (Holst, 2001) Holst defines discrete event simulation (DES) as "The modeling over time of a system all of whose state changes occur at discrete points in time those points when an event occurs". In discrete event simulation, the operation of a system is represented as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of state in the system (Banks et al, 2005) The need for simulation applications in management is increasing. First of all, Simulation is considered to be a powerful decision making tool for managers. Xianglong et al (2001) provided simulation system that can provide the decision-maker a sequential decision-making environment by establishing a virtual reality simulation system. Also, it could be used for experiments planning and results analysis. Semini et al (2006) listed several reasons why a simulation can support manufacturing logistics decision-making: It facilitates understanding of the real system and its behavior. It reveals previously hidden relationships and provides a systematic way to analyze the situation Can facilitate communication and provide a basis for discussions. "What-if" analyses can be carried out, allowing the decision-maker to test the affects of different alternative scenarios without having to make changes in the real system. Also, Simulation applications are used for risk and disaster management for businesses, organizations, or even countries. It could construct useful visualizations of risk, as provided by triangular decompositions and trade risk profiles, and calculating relevant risk measures. For example, it can provide additional
Monday, October 28, 2019
Role of Media on African Americans Essay Example for Free
Role of Media on African Americans Essay Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Educational Philosophy As a child, it is hard to understand adults’ intentions. Whether it is punishing a young child for running out in the street or even directing them not to leave toys on the staircase, adults have a profound authority over children, which is sometimes misunderstood. Adults instill vital qualities in children. Though children may disregard adults’ authority at first, at one point in their lives, they will understand the reasoning behind it all. At the age of 5, I began to realize that the adults in my environment were reflecting the virtue of patience upon me. My parents were teachers. My father taught High School Electronics. My mother had a class of preschoolers. Both had to maintain a calm manner while dealing with their students, and it was necessary for them to have a great deal of patience. As my mother drove me to Kindergarten one morning, I looked out the car window. I noticed my teacher surrounded with children on the playground. She was not pointing her finger and directing them to go play, but instead, she was laughing with them. At the age of 5, I was realizing that patience was a quality that teachers must have. As I grew older, I noticed this virtue of patience more often. No matter how difficult the class full of students became, the teachers took charge with grace. As many children do, I looked up to my parents as well as teachers. These adults were here to guide me through life. I admired them for their patience and determination to help me succeed. They held the key to my future, and offered it with an open hand. Watching my parents work on lesson plans, and hearing them speak of memorable classroom moments, intrigued me. They enjoyed their job so much, that it was beginning to rub off on me! I, too, was starting to love the life of a teacher. I wanted to, one day, come home and know that I had made a difference in someone's life. I wanted to organize exciting activities to help others learn. I wanted to stay up at the wee hours of the night grading papers. Believe it or not, I wanted to be a teacher! I knew that I would have to work hard, and stay focused in school.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fetal Abnormality Essay
In the case by Jessica, Marco, Maria and Dr.William I believe that the theory they have used for this case study is the Moral Christian theory which says that it is god almighty who gave origin to us and knitted us in our mother’s womb from where all our lives have a meaning. Therefore in my opinion I feel that Jessica’s and Maria’s decision is wright about knitting the baby and go for the plan of god as god always have an intention in his every which shows a close resemblance to the moral standpoint of Christianity. The children with disability can also survive in this world. Jessica in this case as a strong believer of God going for gods will representing the act of a true Christian follower. I believe that everything in this world takes place according to gods plan and if a couple is meant to have a child with deformity, through this god is trying to teach something to the family or to improve the love and affection between the family members. After going thro ugh this case study on â€Å"Fetal abnormality†I feels it’s very apparent that Jessica and Maria taking decisions according to the Christian standpoint. Their aunt who decided to leave is going for gods will and ready to accept whatever that god has intended for their family. The moral Christian theory talks about the life of a true Christian by obeying the bible and following the commandments of god. The bible says a lot of good things about the humanism and the positive qualities have human beings should possess in order to get close to god. ‘’For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb†I shall praise you for my entire life because you are the God of this entire universe wonderfully made, all your works in this entire universe is beautiful and for a reason, knowing the full well. There was nothing about me which was hidden from you when I was framed in the secret place, you woven me together in the depths of earth. You have seen my unformed body and all my days on this earth are written in your book even before I was sent to this earth (Psalms 139:13-16). Those who are intended to go for the materialistic life on this earth, In this case study if they would have gone for abortion which is a materialistic or selfish way of thinking is against the word of god. Jessica’s and Maria’s decision for keeping the baby as the intention of god is derived from their strong belief in the god. A fetus formed in a mother’s womb despite of its abnormalities is still a human being and doing abortion is a sin. Here dr.Wilson and Marco is having a materialistic mortal viewpoint as they wants to do the abortion of the baby, everything that humans possess in this world are just physical in this world. References Christianity,.(2007).,Christian Moral Theory., Worldviews and Moral Visions retrieved from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Driving is Your Responsibility: Modules on Driving
Also, that a 16 year old risk of getting in car accident is higher then any other age group. If you do not have your permit, please provide the last four digits of your social security number so that your teacher can issue your drug and alcohol certificate. My last four digits are: Module 2: The Driver: Describe three aha moments that you had as you worked through Module Two. 1 . That we have two different type of vision central and peripheral. 2. â€Å"Aim high and look ahead, don't look down†This is important because we can spot curves from far 3.When I found out you must have a optimistic attitude to drive but not too pessimistic cause if you're to optimistic you can be a bad driver. How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences) This information will affect me as a driver because if I follow these rules I can be a good driver. If I don't follow these rules I can cause serious accident that may result in my death or someone else dea th. Module 3: Natural Forces Affecting the Driver 2. Inertia- When a object is at rest it will remain at rest.While an object in motion will remain in motion in the same direction unless a force touch it. 3. Potential Energy- Its energy an object already has in it self. 4. Kinetic Energy- The energy made while an object is in motion. 5. Friction-Its the restraint between the movement of two surface in contact. 6. Traction- Traction is always affected by friction someway somehow. 7. Centrifugal Force- The opposite of centripetal force. It doesn't seek to be in the middle. It also increase a person acceleration. 8. Centripetal Force-Its a force that seeks to be in the middle. 10. Force of impact- Is the force made when objects meet.Module 4: Signs, Signals & Pavement Markings 1. Explain the purpose of the following A. The difference between solid and broken lines is: In a solid line you can not pass over it while on a broken line you may pass over it. B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: The yellow line indicates where the center of a two way traffic is at. You may cross over a broken yellow line but you can't cross a solid yellow line. C. White lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow:White lines tells you which way traffic is traveling in your direction. 2.Observe and describe the different signs in YOUR city. Give specific examples of each (include color, shape, what the sign is for, etc. ). A. A regulatory sign: A speed limit of 35. Its a white rectangular shape sign. B. A motorist services sign: A hospital sign. It's a blue square sign with a capital H in the middle. C. A recreational sign: A recreational sign is brown and rectangular. A sign indicating to the Florida everglades. D. A sign that you know what it means because of its shape: A triangle sign is telling you to yield. 3. Explain 3 interesting or important facts from Module 3 and 4.A. An interesting wing I learn is that driving and physics are int erconnected. 8. 1 realize that the shapes and colors off sign tells you a lot about its meaning. C. An important fact I learn is that you can always drive over a broken but never a solid line unless there is hazard in the way. Module 5: Laws and Rules of the Road Create a car saying (Bumper Sticker) or a Road Sign (Billboard) that would describe one main point you learned in Module 5. This is an example off bumper sticker from a former student: the right speed is always a good deed. Enjoy your ride and don't collide! 1 . What would yours say? Don't be afraid to cease. Drive with ease. 2. How would it look? It would be on a neon green rectangular sticker with the saying in big bold black letters. 3. Now, write at least one paragraph (5 sentences or more) which explains why you thought this would make a great bumper sticker or billboard, and how it summarizes the information you learned in Module Five. I thought this would make a great bumper sticker because it's a very catchy phrase. When somebody read it. It will stay in their mind because its simple and catchy.This phrase summarizes this doodle because when driving you must remember all the laws and regulations the state of Florida may have. A driver can't be afraid to slow down or stop while driving when it is necessary. Plus a good driver must drive with ease meaning he has to drive with confidence. Module 6: Effects of Alcohol and Drugs Some day you might find yourself in a dangerous driving situation because of drugs, alcohol, or extreme drowsiness due to medication. Talk to a parent or guardian about what they would like for you to do if you find yourself in this situation.Answer the following questions in one or more complete sentences. . Explain three ways you can get home safely, without getting behind the wheel, if there are drugs or alcohol in your system. A. Let a friend who is sober give you a ride home. B. Call a taxi to take you to your destination. C. Call your mom and/or dad to pick you up eve n if you may face consequences its better then driving home intoxicated. 2. Explain three ways you can get home safely if the friend you rode with has drugs or alcohol in his system and you prevent him from getting behind the wheel. A. Take away their car keys and drive them home. B.Call his/her parents to pick him/her up. C. Use public transportation. 3. What would your parent/guardian want you to do? My parents would rather me to contact them to pick me up from my destination. They rather pick me up intoxicated then get a phone call from the police saying I kill somebody or myself because I was drinking and driving. 4. Look up and list the number of a local taxi or car service in your community. Include the company name and telephone number. Module 7: Collision Costs and Preventions There are many costs associated with owning and driving a car. The purchase of a car is only the beginning.There are maintenance costs, fees, tolls, taxes, fuel and insurance. For the next few question s, you will explore these costs by talking to a parent or guardian about your driving responsibilities. 1. Will I have a vehicle of my own to drive, or will I share? My vehicle would be shared with my parents. 2. Who will pay for the insurance and gas? My parents would pay for my car insurance and gas until I get a Job. 3. Contact your family car insurance company to obtain a cost estimate. How much will you be expected to pay monthly or annually? My parents would be expected to pay 175. 3 a month. . If you drive 50 miles each week and your car gets 25 miles to the gallon with gas costing $4. 00 per gallon, how much gas will you have to buy? I would pay $8. 00 a week. 5. If you get paid $8. 00 per hour at your Job and insurance is $200 a month, how many hours will you have to work to pay for insurance? I would have to work 25 hours. 6. Will your parents set restrictions on your driving such as the hours of the day you can drive or how many passengers you can have in the car? If so, please include restrictions. My restrictions would be that I'm allowed to drive am to pm.Plus I'm to allowed to have friends in my car. 7. Will your parents allow you to drive to school, work, on major highways, how far from home can you drive? Please include where you will be allowed to drive. I would be able to drive to school and work when I do get Job. 8. Never text and drive! Discuss with your parents the use of your cell phone when driving. Explain to them the one situation when it would be appropriate to talk on your cell phone. Then write the situation you spoke with them about. It would be appropriate to talk to my parents when I am park. Never answer my phone when I'm riving.Module 8: Substance Abuse Choose one option to complete your 5-8 sentence paragraph in this section. Imagine a close friend is planning to go out and celebrate this weekend. You know your friend intends to drink and may experiment with drugs. You are not only concerned for her well-being but also worri ed that she might get behind the wheel and drive. Using the information you learned in module 8, write a paragraph persuading your friend to make safe choices. List at least 3 dangers she may face and 2 alternatives for her to safely and legally enjoy the celebration. Dear Friend,
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6 Tips for New, First-Year MBA Students
6 Tips for New, First-Year MBA Students Being a new student can be difficultno matter how old you are or how many years of school you already have under your belt. This can be especially true for first-year MBA students. They are thrown into a new environment that is known for being rigorous, challenging, and quite frequently competitive. Most are nervous about the prospect and spend a great deal of time struggling with the transition. If you are in the same spot, the following tips may help. Tour Your School One of the problems with being in a new environment is that you dont always know where youre going. This can make it hard to get to class on time and find the resources you need. Before your class sessions start, be sure to take a thorough tour of the school. Familiarize yourself with the location of all of your classes as well as the facilities you might usethe library, the admissions office, the career center, etc. Knowing where you are going will make the first few days a lot easier to get through. Establish a Schedule Making time for classes and coursework can be a challenge, especially if you are trying to balance a job and family with your education. The first few months can be particularly overwhelming. Establishing a schedule early on can help you stay on top of everything. Buy or download a daily planner and use it to track everything you need to do each day. Making lists and crossing things off as you complete them will keep you organized and help you with your time management. Learn to Work in a Group Many business schools require study groups or team projects. Even if your school does not require this, you may want to consider joining or starting your own study group. Working with other students in your class is a great way to network and get team experience. Although it is not a good idea to try to get other people to do your work for you, there is no harm in helping each other work through difficult material. Depending on others and knowing that others depend on you is also a good way to stay on track academically. Learn to Read Dry Text Quickly Reading is a huge part of business school coursework. In addition to a textbook, you will also have other required reading materials, such as case studies and lecture notes. Learning how to read a lot of dry text quickly will help you in each one of your classes. You shouldnt always speed read, but you should learn how to skim text and assess what is important and what is not. Network Networking is a big part of the business school experience. For new MBA students, finding time to network can be a challenge. However, it is very important that you incorporate networking into your schedule. The contacts you meet in business school can last a lifetime and may just help you get a job after graduation. Dont Worry It is easy advice to give and hard advice to follow. But the truth is that you shouldnt worry. Many of your fellow students share the same concerns. They are nervous too. And like you, they want to do well. The advantage in this is that you are not alone. The nervousness you feel is perfectly normal. The key is to not let it stand in the way of your success. Although you may be uncomfortable at first, your business school will eventually begin to feel like a second home. You will make friends, you will get to know your professors and what is expected of you, and you will keep up with the coursework if you give yourself enough time to complete it and ask for help when you need it. Get more tips on how to manage school stress.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Sociological Perspective - How to Think Like a Sociologist
The Sociological Perspective - How to Think Like a Sociologist Sociology can be defined simply as the study of society, but the practice of sociology is much more than a field of study it is a way of seeing the world. The sociological perspective involves recognizing and evaluating the effects of social relationships and social structures and forces, considering the present day in historical context and takes for granted that society is socially constructed and thus changeable. It is a perspective that fosters critical thinking, the posing of critical questions, and the pursuit of solutions. Understanding the sociological perspective is crucial to understanding the field itself, social theory, and why and how sociologists conduct the research they do. Examining Social Relationships When sociologists look at the world and try to understand why things are the way they are, they look for relationships, and not just those between people. They look for relationships between individuals and the social groups they might identify with or be identified with, like those of race, class, gender, sexuality, and nationality, among others; connections between individuals and the communities they live in or are affiliated with; and, relationships between individuals and institutions, like media, religion, family, and law enforcement. Within sociology, this is known as looking at the connections between the micro and the macro, or the individual aspects of social life, and the large-scale groups, relationships, and trends that compose society. Considering the Effects of Social Structures and Forces Sociologists look for relationships because they want to understand the causes of trends and problems in society so that they can make recommendations on how to address them. At the heart of sociology is the recognition that social structures and forces, like those described above and others too, shape a person’s worldview, beliefs, values, expectations, sense of what is normal, and right and wrong. In doing so, social structures and forces shape our experiences, how we interact with other people, and ultimately, the trajectories and outcomes of our lives. Most social structures and forces are not immediately visible to us, but we can find them when we look beneath the surface of everyday life. Introducing students to the field, Peter Berger wrote, â€Å"It can be said that the first wisdom of sociology is this- things are not what they seem.†The sociological perspective urges us to ask the unasked questions about the things we consider normal, natural, and inevitable, in order to illuminate the underlying social structures and forces that produce them. How to Ask Sociological Questions Sociologists seek complex answers to what many would consider simple questions. Berger suggested that there are four key questions at the heart of sociology that allow us to see the connections between everyday life and social structure and forces. They are: What are people doing with each other here?What are their relationships to each other?How are these relationships organized in institutions?What are the collective ideas that move men [sic] and institutions? Berger suggested that asking these questions transforms the familiar into something otherwise unseen, and leads to â€Å"a transformation of consciousness.†C. Wright Mills called this transformation of consciousness â€Å"the sociological imagination.† When we examine the world through this lens, we see how our current moment and personal biographies sit within the trajectory of history. Using the sociological imagination to examine our own lives, we might question how social structures, forces, and relationships have given us certain privileges, like access to wealth and prestigious schools; or, how social forces like racism might make us disadvantaged as compared with others. The Importance of Historical Context The sociological perspective always includes historical context in its view of society, because if we want to understand why things are the way they are, we have to understand how they got that way. So, sociologists often take the long view, by, for example, looking at the shifting nature of the class structure over time, how the relationship between the economy and culture has evolved over centuries, or, how limited access to rights and resources in the past continues to impact historically marginalized people today. The Empowering Nature of the Sociological Perspective Mills believed that the sociological imagination could empower people to make change in their lives and in society because it allows us to see that what we often perceive as â€Å"personal troubles,†like not making enough money to support ourselves or our families, are actually â€Å"public issues†- problems that course through society and are a product of flaws in the social structure, like inadequate minimum wage levels. The empowering nature of the sociological imagination points to another fundamentally important aspect of the sociological perspective: that society and all that happens within it is made by people. Society is a social product, and as such, its structures, its institutions, norms, ways of life, and problems are changeable. Just as social structures and forces act on us and shape our lives, we act on them with our choices and actions. Throughout our daily lives, in mundane and sometimes momentous ways, our behavior either validates and reproduces society as it is, or it challenges it and remakes it into something else. The sociological perspective allows us to see how both outcomes are possible.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
10 Types of Transitions
10 Types of Transitions 10 Types of Transitions 10 Types of Transitions By Mark Nichol Writing is simply a matter of expressing ideas, but as we all know, it’s not so simple after all. One challenge is to coherently connect those ideas. This post lists ten categories of words and phrases one can employ to signal a transition, with several examples for each type. These words and phrases can be used within a sentence as well as at the beginning. Note, too, that many can apply to more than one category. (These groupings are arbitrary, created for the sake of presentation; transitional terms can be organized in various ways.) 1. Addition â€Å"Also, I have to stop at the store on the way home.†â€Å"Besides, it would give me great satisfaction to help you.†â€Å"First, I’d like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.†2. Comparison â€Å"In the same way, the author foreshadows a conflict between two minor characters.†â€Å"Likewise, the sequel was very successful.†â€Å"Similarly, we observed no differences in response rate.†3. Concession â€Å"Granted, you did not ask ahead of time.†â€Å"Naturally, the final decision is up to her.†â€Å"Of course, he will want to examine the documents himself.†4. Contrast â€Å"At the same time, what she said has some truth to it.†â€Å"However, I don’t see what that has to do with anything.†â€Å"Otherwise, how can they expect us to comply?†5. Consequence â€Å"Accordingly, I have consulted with him for a second opinion.†â€Å"As a result, I’m not sure what to do.†â€Å"For this reason, we have decided to halt the project.†6. Emphasis â€Å"Above all, we must exercise discretion.†â€Å"Certainly, he’ll find out for himself in time.†â€Å"In fact, they’re on their way right now.†7. Example â€Å"For example, he could have asked for advice first.†â€Å"In particular, I draw your attention to the stain on the carpet.†â€Å"Namely, consider the consequences of your decision.†8. Sequence â€Å"Earlier, you had mentioned a report.†â€Å"Eventually, we’ll see some improvement.†â€Å"Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting for you.†9. Space â€Å"Below, you’ll find instructions for assembling the shelf.†â€Å"In the distance, he could see the approaching figure.†Off to one side, a package wrapped in plain paper caught her attention. 10. Summary â€Å"In conclusion, I see no reason to delay any longer.†â€Å"In other words, they’re incompetent.†â€Å"Therefore, your decision leaves me no choice.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive InterjectionsThe Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetQuiet or Quite?
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